
Big Five Inventory Analysis

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Big Five Inventory Rubi Garza Texas A&M International University The Big Five Inventory (BFI) assessment is a self-report, 44-item inventory that aims to measure five personality factors in order to learn about an individual’s personality. The five factors being measured are, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness. This test uses the S-data approach, as well as the qualitative and quantitative methods. As the results from the Spanish and English BFI assessment are compared, the reliability, validity, and generalizability are analyzed in order to see how effective they are. The results provide an insight on one’s personality in each of the five categories. The findings concluded low reliability, …show more content…

At times, I was not certain about the words in Spanish. Therefore, I would rate statements without fully knowing what it was referring to. The construct validity of the Big Five Inventory test had a moderate construct validity in the English and Spanish version. The statements provided were moderately accurate towards the five factors being measured. For example, under the extraversion category there were statements such as, “I see myself as someone who is talkative” and “I see myself as someone who is reserved”. These type of statements are not weak under the extraverted category, nor under the evaluation of an individual’s personality. However, the assessment does not account for uncertainties that the individual may have about themselves. They may not know how to answer truthfully due to personal emotions or may not want to answer truthfully. These issues greatly affect the assessment’s construct validity. The generalizability of the test itself is moderate because it can be applied to others in general, but cannot account for the different environments that the test takers may be in. The norming sample of the people taking this specific Big Five Inventory test included Texas A&M International University students, with the majority being Hispanic, and most of them taking the test in different settings. Therefore, the results from this norming sample cannot be applicable to society as a …show more content…

I really thought about the ratings I gave myself in the statements, “I am someone who has a forgiving nature” and “I am someone who finds faults in others”. I also found myself thinking a lot about my fluency in English and Spanish. I had a difficult time understanding certain parts of the Spanish version and found the English BFI to be easy to understand. I knew before that my Spanish was not as good as it used to be when I was younger, but came to realize that it is now a weakness that I need to gain back. It is a very important aspect in my life due to my family and my culture. I do not want it to deter with time when I can prevent it from happening. Lastly, my reflection includes a found pattern when I compared both of the Spanish and English BFI results. I only got the same score on the openness category. However, although the scores varied, my results concluded high in conscientiousness and agreeableness in both versions. The neuroticism category varied in scores, but both scores were very close to being low in neuroticism. In the extroversion category the scores varied as well, but were both considered high in extraversion. Regardless of the variation, the score pattern resulted in the same high/low level in each

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