
Big Brothers Big Sisters Of America Impact On Organizational Changes Essay

Decent Essays

Big Brothers Big Sisters of America Impact of Organizational Changes n Team Members
Leaders are the central figures in a team, and they are attributed to the largest share of blame or praise depending on the performance. New leaders in an organization are faced with many challenges on how to start making an impact and successfully lead the subordinates on the set mission. According to Kangas (2013), the key element for a new leader is to establish interpersonal links and relationships that are necessary for learning about the organization. The success of the leader and the organization as a team depends on the quality of interpersonal relationships that develop to help the leader in implementing their mission. Additionally, the influence of leaders over their followers is largely founded on the interpersonal relationship as members of a team (Kangas, 2013). Another major source of challenge for leaders in organizations is the implementation of changes that affect the existing relationships and roles in major operations. BBBSA demonstrates the challenges that can arise for new leaders in organizations in implementing changes and the effectiveness of the Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) theory in addressing leadership issues.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of America BBBSA is a non-profit organization that has undergone two major changes in operation and three leadership changes at the highest level over a short period. I grew up in the Philadelphia area, City of Brotherly Love,

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