Big Brother Theory
Big Brother is a television show that has houseguests challenge and compete each other for money. Not only do these houseguests compete to be the last one standing, but they also are being recorded the entire time. Cameras are everywhere in the house, even where there are mirrors; therefore, the cameras capture everything the houseguests do and say. The government spies on United States citizens like the Big Brother spies on the houseguests. Big Brother is the government, and the houseguests are United States citizens. The government watches Americans like the show Big Brother watches the houseguests. The only difference is the ending… The houseguests will win money, but the government will win US citizens’ information. The
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The government sees Edward Snowden as a traitor, but most citizen people see him as a whistleblower. The government …show more content…
From flying though the skies to reading license plates, these are all examples of the government spying on Americans. According to MacAskill and Gabriel Dance, these devices are used for criminal investigations (2013). “The government uses tools in criminal, terrorism, or intelligence investigations (“FBI Operating Gleet of Surveillance Aircraft Flying over US Cities,” 2015). Even though these tools are used for protection, they still violate privacy rights. When a car passes a license plate reader, the readers get the information of one’s specific time and date along with the license plate number (Crockford, 2015). Kenneth Lipp found the Boston license plate reader database online, which contained addresses and personal information of millions of the license plate owners. This personal information was available for the whole world to see. License plate readers are not the only devices collecting information on Americans; unfortunately, sting rays are also spying on US citizens. No, not the sting rays in the ocean. Sting rays are defined as a “portable spy device to track cell phone signals inside vehicles, homes, and insulated buildings” (Crockford, 2015). When someone makes a call, the Sting Ray sends the call to the police to be tracked. Information can be taken from cell phones around the Sting Ray also (Walker, 2013). A Sting Ray may be used to find criminals, but innocent
Big Brother Jewel Deceased Henry Arthur Callis born in Rochester, NY on January 14, 1887. Big Brother Jewel Deceased Henry Arthur Callis was the son of Rev. Henry Jesse Callis and Helen Josephine Sprague. At the age of six years old, attending Cornell University was a dream of Big Brother Jewel Deceased Henry Arthur Callis. Later in 1905, Big Brother Jewel Deceased Henry Arthur Callis was able to live out his childhood dream by attending a Predominantly White Ivy League Institution. Big Brother Jewel Deceased Henry Arthur Callis served as one of the only jewels to become General President of Alpha Phi Alpha, also a physician at Howard Medical School.
In the oppressive, dystopian society of Oceania in the novel 1984, the Party has complete control over thoughts, language, and even the personal lives of Oceanians. The character, Big Brother, is likely a fictional character created by the Party, the most elite and powerful in this authoritarian society ruling over the gullible and brainwashed people of AirStrip One (today known as England). This is monitored with intense and invasive surveillance done through citizens and technology, impeding the character development of the inhabitants of Oceania. George Orwell uses the minor, yet significant character of Big Brother to represent the motif of a dictatorship as well as the motif of surveillance; this totalitarian leader is indirectly
The StingRay clearly violates [4th Amendment] standards. The drafters of the Constitution recognized that restricting the government from violating privacy is essential for a free society. That’s why the Fourth Amendment exists. The StingRay is creating a dangerous precedent that tells the government that it’s okay for them to violate our rights. Because of this, freedom is quietly slipping out the window.
The dictatorship of Big Brother and the American government, both use similar ways to monitor their citizens, but they have different reasons for it. Big Brother wants to closely monitor his citizens so they are obedient by fear and the American government watches their citizens to protect them and their rights. They do this through televisions, spies and surveillance cameras.
If you know you are being watched for your own safety, would you be pissed off? I know I would not because if it involved something that have to do with bullies and suicide, at least I know I have someone watching over me and I’m not alone. The article, At some schools, ‘Big Brother’ is watching, written by Kelly Wallace from CNN, talk about the schools are starting to step up and monitor the students more frequently to protect them from danger. These monitors are all off-campus, such as bullying, suicide, drug use, or violence. The school district actually pay a tech firm $40,500 to monitor the students’ posts on Facebook, Twitter, or any other social media (Wallace). I only agree with the author to this extent,
Everyday technology is advancing and has become part of people’s everyday life, from phones, cars, computers, and even the light switches in a room. With all this technology, it would be easy to use it for other things then what they were intended for. For example what if someone wanted to control what another person could do such as sleeping or going places. It would not not be that hard to try and control another human being, or even worse being watched every single moment of everyday for the rest of their life. That idea is not as farfetched as it may seem now with even more phones, computers, televisions and cameras in general. Technology is taking humanity nearer and nearer to world of Big Brother and the worse part is that if they are not careful, Big Brother could raise without any citizen ever knowing.
In the book 1984,by George Orwell, The main character Winston has a love affair with a girl named Julia.Their leader Big Brother controls all and knows all. They later get caught by the thought police and put through extreme conditions to reduce them to their core. Big Brother uses violence, manipulation, and propaganda to brainwash and control the perceptions of “his” citizens therefore , indicating it is possible to change people’s reality.
An overview of cultural and artistic values which contribute to the success of Big Brother
Critics of Edward Snowden label him a traitor and a coward. They condemn him for irreparably harming government security operations and setting of a worldwide chain of events that weakened the American position on the world stage. While America now has blight on its records due to the leaks, the topic that should be addressed is should the whistle-blower, the man who uncovered and exposed the questionable and wrong activities, be blamed or should those who allowed the illegal and immoral activities be held accountable for what they started. Edward Snowden had the justification and conviction to do the correct thing and present the incriminating evidence straight to the public. When one takes in consideration everything that Snowden has lost because of his decision, there was little gain for him to make the immoral activities public. Snowden’s crime is breaching the trust of his government contract to expose egregious monitoring by the government on the American public. In an interview conducted by the Washington Post, Snowden speaks out about his goal in releasing the files: “All I wanted was for the public to be able to have a say in how they are governed,”
In the novel 1984, there is an appendix at the end of the book called “The Principles of Newspeak”. In this appendix it explains how newspeak was devised and how people speak it. But the most interesting thing about the appendix is that it is written in past tense, hinting that someone rebelled against or took over Big Brother, and that it no longer rules Oceania. Some ways that Big Brother could have fallen are that the proles rose up and rebelled or that the Brotherhood was real and finally gathered up enough strength to fight and bring down Big Brother.
Edward Snowden is responsible for exposing these government secrets. Many call this an act of treason, but it can also be seen as an act of civil disobedience. The most peaceful nature of his rebellion, and the unconstitutional behavior that it consequentially exposed qualify his actions. Although it was wrong of him to escape the consequences of his actions by fleeing to Hong Kong, his actions were ultimately beneficial to the American public. Being spied upon by the government is a direct violation of our right to privacy, and hiding it from the public is wrong as well. From John Cassidy’s article, “Why Edward Snowden is a hero,” he quotes Ellsberg; “‘This wholesale invasion of Americans and foreign citizens’ privacy does not contribute to our security; it puts in danger the very liberties we are trying to protect.’” The act of bringing these facts to light is an act of trying to preserve our liberty, and that’s what civil disobedience is all about.
The government, specifically the NSA and Obama Administration have been embarrassed by the leaks. Their aim is to bring Snowden back to the US for prosecution and have him be the next target under the Espionage Act for whistleblowers. Under the Obama Administration there have been double the amount of people prosecuted under the act than any other previous administration in history since the enacting. (Greenberg, 2014) It seems that Snowden has seen an unfairness and gross abuse of power and has felt compelled to bring these things to light for the public interest, and for the global stage. The need for change from such actions, the employment of fear to strip the public’s rights and privacies, and the use of mining centers to take all our data to whatever government end has all been shown. They (the government) is not particularly happy with the revealed truths behind their hidden programs. The fact they label it under the Espionage Act as to say Snowden has aided our enemies in breaching national security is, to the open minded and intelligent, a cowardly move, since our “enemies” already have known
After September 11th, Americans looked to the government for protection and reassurance. However, they did not expect to find out thirteen years later that the government did this by using technology to spy on Americans, as well as other countries. George W. Bush began the policy shortly after the terrorist attack and Barack Obama continued it. There have been many confrontations over the years about the extent of the N.S.A.’s spying; however, the most recent whistle-blower, Edward Snowden, leaked information that caused much upset throughout America (EFF). It has also brought many people to question: is he a hero or a traitor?
Edward Snowden is considered by many to be a criminal, but there are others who firmly believe that Edward Snowden is a patriot, and rightfully so Edward Snowden is a hero to the American people and many abroad. The United States government has the responsibility to serve, protect and aid the American people, but sometimes the government and some of its classified documents every now and then get published and criticized. Edward Snowden had worked for multiple government agencies such as the CIA, NSA and prior to that an American contractor as a computer professional, and during his tenure at the NSA he had realized the grotesque and unprofessional ethics and violations of privacy against the American people, and so many innocent citizens
“1984” is an imaginary novel wrote by George Orwell in 1949. The novel takes place in a fictional country called Oceania. In 1984, the society is a mess in the control of the “big brother”, people are leveled by three three classes: the upper class party, the middle outer class party, and the lower class proles. But the lower class make up 85 per cent of the people in Oceania. Winston is a outer class party member working for the “big brother”. This novel uses Winston as an example to show how the “big brother” takes the control by mind, manipulation and technology.