
Big Brother Theory Paper

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Big Brother Theory
Big Brother is a television show that has houseguests challenge and compete each other for money. Not only do these houseguests compete to be the last one standing, but they also are being recorded the entire time. Cameras are everywhere in the house, even where there are mirrors; therefore, the cameras capture everything the houseguests do and say. The government spies on United States citizens like the Big Brother spies on the houseguests. Big Brother is the government, and the houseguests are United States citizens. The government watches Americans like the show Big Brother watches the houseguests. The only difference is the ending… The houseguests will win money, but the government will win US citizens’ information. The …show more content…

The government sees Edward Snowden as a traitor, but most citizen people see him as a whistleblower. The government …show more content…

From flying though the skies to reading license plates, these are all examples of the government spying on Americans. According to MacAskill and Gabriel Dance, these devices are used for criminal investigations (2013). “The government uses tools in criminal, terrorism, or intelligence investigations (“FBI Operating Gleet of Surveillance Aircraft Flying over US Cities,” 2015). Even though these tools are used for protection, they still violate privacy rights. When a car passes a license plate reader, the readers get the information of one’s specific time and date along with the license plate number (Crockford, 2015). Kenneth Lipp found the Boston license plate reader database online, which contained addresses and personal information of millions of the license plate owners. This personal information was available for the whole world to see. License plate readers are not the only devices collecting information on Americans; unfortunately, sting rays are also spying on US citizens. No, not the sting rays in the ocean. Sting rays are defined as a “portable spy device to track cell phone signals inside vehicles, homes, and insulated buildings” (Crockford, 2015). When someone makes a call, the Sting Ray sends the call to the police to be tracked. Information can be taken from cell phones around the Sting Ray also (Walker, 2013). A Sting Ray may be used to find criminals, but innocent

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