
Biblical Text: Number 13: Lost

Decent Essays

Biblical Text: Numbers 13:17-25 27-33, Number 14: 1-4, 34-35, Romans 15:4,
I. The word LOST is not a comforting word; it evokes a sense of fear and demands attention.
A. If a kid goes missing people panic, people go into a shared state of searching.
B. Jesus was aware of this. He told stories of many different LOST things, such as: Sheep, Coins, and a boy. Jesus shared with us these different examples as a reflection of His mindset in regard to people who are LOST.
C. We need to know that Jesus came to seek and save the lost. (see Luke 19:10)
II. The Israelites had been enslaved for years, but God set them free.
A. God provided for his people in miraculous ways ex. Red Sea, Manna.
1. God will always provide for …show more content…

When the Israelites were approaching the land in which God had promised them, He had Moses send 12 spies to report back on the land.
1. The spies were tasked to report on the following: Gauge the “threat” of the people in the land, check the defense of the towns within for walls ect, test the land for future crops and growth potential.
C. The Report Card
1. Group Mentality Rules (Numbers 13:27-33)
2. 10 of 12 said danger despite God saying it was already theirs.
D. The outliers
1. Joshua and Caleb brought a more hopeful report that acknowledged the majorities “worries” yet had a different course of action.
2. Despite both Joshua and Caleb seeing the dangers in the land they trusted God to bring them through. (see Numbers 14:6-9)
E. Why the disagreement?
1. All 12 saw the same things, yet both had different mindsets. The reasons?
2. The majority saw the good in the land but the dangers were too much. The majority took God out of the equation and relied on their own eyes and efforts forgetting who brought them through.
3. The outlook of Life is better with God, through Him we have nothing to fear. (see Hebrews 13:6)
III. How did they become LOST?
A. They hesitated and backed away.
1. When they did this The Lord took away what he promised. He

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