
Bible Leadership Qualities

Satisfactory Essays

Being a leader in the bible wasn't easy. Most of the leaders were chosen by God also as God only appointed people he saw fit for being a leader. There are many leaders in the bible but I find that in judges it really shows what being a leader is all about. Now being a leader then isn't just enough if you were appointed by god you had to be a biblical leader. This could mean a lot of different thing because no leader is the same but ultimately they had to share some of the same traits and had to appeal to the people. If I were a person then I would want not just want a person that says they are a biblical leader I would want them to show it. They would have to be faithful I wouldn't want an untrustworthy person to be my leader or someone I cant depend on. I would want to be able to trust them with anything and be able to depend on them when I need them. Then ultimately they would need wisdom I don't want a stupid leader I would want someone that can help me with my problems and society problems not just give us orders but help show us the way. …show more content…

Cultural influences are very important in todays society as there aren't as many good influences left at all. I have many cultural influences in my life. My whole family is pretty much always influencing me all the time to do the right thing yes sometimes it can be a bit much but ultimately it all helps for the good. In my head I had always thought everything was pretty much ok it wasn't till really thought about what things were going on that god frowned upon. It really made me take a look at myself and the world around me showing me how evil we really

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