
Beyond Good And Evil By Joshua Lohin

Decent Essays

Art is a form of communication. Art is a form of language. The language of art can be elaborated in a multitude of ways, as well. These methods include the content, process, or themes of the artwork. The pieces “Who Tells the Truth?” and “Beyond Good and Evil” by Joshua Lohin, which I found in the University Gallery, Fulton Hall 109, are prime examples of art being conveyed as a language through their content.

Firstly, the artwork “Who Tells the Truth?” by Joshua Lohin, is a digital print, depicting a woman standing with what appears to be an opaque veil over her head. The female figure’s body is turned slightly away from the viewer, while her head is facing the viewer. The figure stands in an ostensibly grainy photograph with the words …show more content…

I believe that the content in this piece could possibly be describing the aspect of lies in human nature. As human beings, committing sinful deeds is practically second nature, as we are sinful creatures. Lying is among these sinful actions. Perhaps the veil over the woman’s head could be signifying that no one actually tells the truth. Or perhaps even that the truth is always hidden, or obscured by lies. The question, “Who Tells the Truth?”, could indeed be asking the viewer quite literally, who really does tell the truth? This can be argued further in the manner individuals interact with each other. No one who ever meets another, is ever entirely transparent. They are never who they really are, majorly in fear of being rejected. In some instances, others even obscure who they are from themselves as a result of self-hatred. Furthermore, the colors utilized in the piece are red, white, and black. Red, in an artistic sense, …show more content…

This piece illustrates two faces, one smiling and the other frowning, accompanied by words placed around the print in a seemingly random order. The two faces are placed in the center of the print, while the words, “Beyond,” “Good,” “and,” and “Evil,” are positioned around the edges of the print. “Beyond” is printed horizontally, and “Good” is printed vertically with the base of the word being faced toward the right end of the print. “And” is printed on the bottom left corner of the print, with the left end of the print as the base, and “Evil” is printed in the same manner as “Beyond” in the bottom right side of the print. Located around the faces in the center are smaller printed words being, “originality,” “danger,” “imagination,” and “self-assertion.” I believe that perhaps the content in this print could be insinuating human demeanors as well. The smiling and frowning faces in the center are associated with the human expressions of smiling and frowning. Additionally, the words that are positioned around the faces describe human qualities. This could also be illustrated by the saying, “Smiling faces tell lies.” The quote tells that individuals can obscure their true emotions and feelings with their facial expressions. This piece appears to be much more simple than the previous one, however many similarities and differences between the two can be

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