How to Better Enable Leadership The question how organization can better enable leadership at all levels is an ongoing process of change within my organization. It is widely known that without leadership development, the bench strength of an organization becomes weak and leadership pipelines are truncated –putting the company at significant risk (Leadership: The One Skill Needed at All Levels of Your Organization, 2015). More organizations are realizing the importance of investing in their leadership development programs. As baby-boomers start to retire or move into less demanding positions, professionals in their 30s and 40s are eager/ambitious to take the lead (Developing Leaders at All Levels: The Competitive Advantage, 2011). Management …show more content…
Navy administered a retention survey to 5,536 sailors. The survey found that sailors are increasingly unhappy with lengthy deployments, a high operational tempo, and recent calls to reduce pay and benefits. In addition, fewer numbers of Navy sailors aspire to earn positions held by their superior officers as sailors have a widespread distrust of Navy leadership, the independent survey found. This survey showed the effects of an organization climate where subordinate don’t want to be in leadership positions because of the high demand with little rewards. This proves that traditional top-down manner are simply becoming too sluggish and bureaucratic to respond quickly and ultimately, to compete effectively. The need for “leaders at all levels” is one of the 10 critical issues identified in the Global Human Capital Trends 2015 survey published by …show more content…
I decided that an Organizational change and work research was appropriate by creating a dialogue to better understanding the processes of organizational change. According to Reason & McArdle (n.d.) this approach draws on a variety of forms of information gathering and feedback to organization members, leading to problem solving dialogue. The feedback received during this discussion was instrumental and eye opening. I learned that most of the officers working in my department were not happy with the way leadership has been treating them. Two out of four officers who are in a leadership role felt they weren’t being entrusted with more responsibility; which resulted in low morale and negative organizational climate in the team. One out the three Chief Petty officers in the department did not have trust in the leadership and was ready to take an early retirement. This discussion was extremely concerning and it reflected what the survey found. Our discussion did have some positive outcomes; first, we all understood the need for change and willingness to make recommendation to improve the quality of the work place; second, leadership were made aware of the situation and small changes were requested, and third, the chain of command were made aware and a meeting with the commander was made.
As Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jonathan W. Greenert once stated, one of the U. S. Navy’s guiding principles is “People are the Navy’s foundation”. The United States Navy has long since recognized that command at sea is an honor and a unique privilege, one that demands confidence, self-reliance, sound judgment, and complete dedication to the wellbeing of shipmates. At every level of Naval operations, leadership, integrity and character have always been vitally important dimensions of who we are and what we do.
Finally, this paper will address how the practice of servant leadership would affect everyone from the lowest enlisted men to the most senior flag officer and everyone else in-between. Leadership goes well beyond the following definition: “Leadership is the art of influencing and directing people in such a way as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and cooperation.” In fact, when it comes right down to it, “there are no quick and easy answers to becoming an effective and efficient leader.” Leadership is difficult and enduring work. It is a lifelong process of building and molding not only your skills but also the skills of your subordinates. In a society of instant gratification, we look for the quick fix. Yet the problem is the quick fix or plug and play solution, rarely serves the long-term goals of an organization.
As the current Vice President of Sales and Operations at Best-One (Tire) Retreading in South Bend, Wes Yoder is actively engaged in a traditional leadership position on a daily basis. He holds a degree in accounting and is used to analyzing business operations and fine tuning them for efficiency, focusing on the details. While this detail-oriented streak is certainly needed for his current position, the Yoder is also asked to work quite heavily in with the people around him, not just the processes they carry out. He interacts with customers, suppliers, and is also involved in the hiring process at Best-One.
Leadership development in the military is critical to its mission and objectives. Understanding and embracing leadership will foster an agile culture and facilitate attainment of strategic goals. People desire quality leadership to assist with achieving their goals, albeit personal or professional development. Having a clear vision and the motivation to perform at high-levels influences others to work synergistically together to achieve organizational goals. Insomuch, employees value being treated respectfully, fairly, and ethically. Leaders serve people best when they help them develop their own initiative and good judgment, enable them to grow, and help them become better contributors.
Not only were the leaders impressed by the employees insights, they took action to address all of the problems. As a result, participation increased, communication improved, relationship between employees and management improved, and access to training and development opportunities were wide-spread. But most importantly, once the original change initiatives were introduced, employees embraced the initiatives, offered insights on how to improve their outcomes, and ensured their success.
The phenomena of organizational change have been studied in detail but yet there are still some organizations that are unsuccessful. It is critical for organizational culture to represent the essence of the desired outcome. Organizational members must have an essential role in the change initiative from the onset. More importantly, change leaders must carefully assess the conditions of the organization to determine if change is appropriate. Implementing change requires leaders to survey the overall health of the organization before any actions are enforced in order to promote a healthy
In Robert L. Peterson and Alexander Strauch’s biography “Agape Leadership”, we learn about the life of Robert C. Chapman, a well-respected man who held a reputation for actively displaying Christlike love and deep-rooted faith. To describe Chapman’s lifestyle, we must look no further than the title of this book: “agape”. Christians use the word ‘agape’ to describe the type of love that Christ showed to the church: an incomprehensible and completely sacrificial love. Chapman consistently sacrificed himself for the benefit of the gospel, thus, influencing hundreds of people for Christ and earning the respect and admiration of thousands. Although Jesus Christ is the ultimate picture of agape love, Robert C. Chapman is an incredible example for us.
We use the words “honor, courage, commitment” to define the core values of every sailor in the United States Navy. We recite them when we say the sailor’s creed, and we do our best to adhere to their meaning. However, as with all maxims, they lose the nuances of their meaning over time. It took me many years to fully grasp these nuances, and how they apply to being a leader. It is this understanding of our core values, how they apply to being a leader and my experience as a Petty Officer in the Navy that allow me to excel as a candidate for officer.
In order to address problems and concerns effectively, a good leader needs to have values. One important quality of good leader is veracity. If leader truthful to themselves and other this sets up good working relationship. In order for member to listen to me as leader and look for guidance members first have to build up that truthfulness and trust in me. The most important part for me in order to address the concerns is to pay attention to and acknowledge the behavior of group members, what being said and even what is not being said is as much important. Some issues and concerns may not happened in my supervision, therefor I may not be knowledgeable on what is happening. In case like this I can I withdrawal from the conflict I can choose not to do anything till I can gather more data or information on. Because If I am unaware of what is happening or not sure of something and get myself involved then I can do more harm than good. The disadvantage of this method is that conflict may escalate. Working out a compromise is another method where each member involved gives up a little to obtain a part of what they wanted and avoid conflict.
Leadership can be the unique ability to give instructions to individuals working under you and getting them to abide by the set rules and regulations. For an individual to be viewed as an effective leader, he or she must exhibit traits that depict him as authentic. In equal measure, it proves imperative to take note that authenticity in a given leader cannot be achieved by copying or rather imitating others. Moreover, it is seen that people tend to build trust in the instance one is authentic and unique given that the particular individual is depicting his real character. For the past few years, people have developed a profound sense of distrust among leaders putting into consideration that most of them are trying to copy or rather imitate
Through the Emerging Leaders Institute, I hope to gain more knowledge on how to make a strong leader. As well as, how to prove my leadership on an everyday basis. In my eyes, accreditation is extremely important, but there is no match to being a strong leader who proves herself on multiple occasions. I also hope to gain the ability to motivate others. A good leader is a boss, but a fantastic leader involves those around her. I hope to gain the ability to build those around me up, so they can feel as though they matter. Making those around you comfortable and confident in themselves will only reflect well on their own work, which is always positive. I have found in so many situations that having respect for those who work under you makes many
We can, over a period of time, increase our leadership potential if we can understand and accept the five levels of leadership. They are:
At this time, discussion will take place on delivering overall results to the organization as well as the suggested planned changes. Given the significant amount of required improvements, the focus should be on providing the information in a supportive format showing the leadership team how improved situations could lead to future successes. By delivering the feedback in a supportive format this reduces the chances of denial, frustration, resistance as all these factors can lead to either no change taking place and or failed change. Mr. Lamson was contacted to provide a motivational course in response to low morale demonstrating that the leaders were open to change. This openness provides a logical starting point for the discussion. It will be important to provide information about the potential for positive outcomes, attainable solutions and a brief summary of follow up activities.
Organizational change involves reviewing and transforming business processes, management structures, technologies and culture within the organization with the aim to increase effectiveness and efficiency of the entire organization. It needs a careful investigation of current business procedures and structures to implement the change successfully. I have experienced a similar kind of organizational change. This organizational change came in the face of leadership change. This change that I have experienced during my work is I think most relevant to the subject matter as it comprehensively describes the aftermaths of a leadership change. Being a mechanical engineer who heads a team of supervisors (engineers) and some technicians as well. My responsibilities include supervising their everyday work and scheduling tasks. In addition, it is my responsibility to drive my subordinates in a way that they remain motivated and ready for the task that will come their way.
Consequently, leadership development requires that organizations take a strategic approach such as coaching, training programs, mentoring, and/or virtual learning. A critical analysis and evaluation of what I learned regarding leadership development is that organizations must evaluate organizational needs and individual skills and competencies; assess an individual readiness to learn; create performance measures and evaluation criteria to measure training and learning effectiveness; create an organizational culture that promotes continual learning, training, and development; shared-vision; establish effective organization communication practices; build trust and create a sense of agency among employees; build and develop relationships with employees, stakeholders, and leadership; and listen to and engage employees in the learning process (Bennett & Bierema, 2010; Crossan, Vera, & Nanjad, 2008; Duff, 2013; Linley, Govindji, & West, 2007; Rupp, Gibbons, & Snyder, 2008; Strand, 2014; Wankel, 2009; Welch, Grossaint, Reid, & Walker, 2014).