
Bettelheim Fairy Tales

Good Essays

In the essay “Fairy Tales and Modern Stories”, Bruno Bettelheim argues that fairy tales can provide children more reassurance than realistic stories. Bettelheim used examples like “The Little Engine that Could”,”The Swiss Family Robinson” and “Rapunzel” to show how realistic stories and fairy tales both affected children’s thinking. The author claims that modern stories don’t compare to fairy tales, because they can’t provide an outlet for children to work through their problems and emotions. Bettelheim explains that fairy tales give children the reassurance and hope that there's a better future that is waiting for them. He argues that fairy tales can have a more impactful effect because it can offer “escape” and “consolation” for troublesome events in their lives. He even claims that modern stories fail to give the reader “encouraging …show more content…

Throughout the essay, we see the use of comparison between modern stories and fairy tales, mostly through the way it could affect children’s thinking. Modern stories though they have good messages, don’t give children the necessary tools to take away, that a fairy tale can achieve. We see this in examples such as “The Little Engine That Could” when she tried to apply the lesson directly to her life, she ended up with the feeling of inadequacy. With “The Swiss Family Robinson” the girl had a difficult life and this story gave her an “escape fantasy” but this isn’t a typical story that most children can identify with. With the fairy tale “Rapunzel” it made her feel like if she grew her hair out and imagine herself as Rapunzel, that a prince would rescue her. Even claiming, that without the story, it would have lead to worse circumstances in her life. What Bettelheim proves is that fairy tales give children the opportunity to have an outlet for their problems, but it also teaches them about what good and bad in the world. The fairytale simplifies all situations and makes them relatable to

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