
Betrayal In Hamlet Research Paper

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In William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the theme of betrayal is most apparent. One betrayal causes an entire family to fall. These three characters portray many forms of betrayal; Gertrude ( the queen), Ophelia, and even Hamlet himself.

Hamlet is also meant to be a tragic play. Most of the characters in the play have very selfish motives. Lust, pride, greed and revenge are just a few downfalls of the characters in the play. There are few instances within the play that show goodness and kindness. Hamlet had many people around him who tried to bring about his downfall, but he had one friend Horatio, who was loyal to him. The other key characters in the play were only out for themselves. Unfortunately, Horatio was the only one looking out for Hamlet. …show more content…

The men in Ophelia's life betray her, which leads to her death. “Polonius: I have a daughter (have while she is mine)/ Who in her duty and obedience mark,/ Hath given me this.”(II. ii. 106). Polonius forces Ophelia, his daughter,to give him the love letters Hamlet sent her. Which makes Hamlet think she betrayed him. But in reality Polonius betrays his daughter by making her hand over Hamlet’s words and thoughts of love. Hamlet leads Ophelia to believe that he had never loved her, when in reality he did love her. “Hamlet: I loved you not.”(III.i.120). He covers up his feelings for her and acts like he hates her; but he shows his love for her after her death, by saying, “I loved Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers / Could not with all their quantity of love / Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?”(IV. i. 262). The priest believes that she committed suicide and that she should not receive the proper burial rights, but because she was considered somewhat royalty, and they couldn't prove it was a suicide, she had a proper burial. The death of her father and Hamlet leaving was too much for Ophelia’s heart and she went mad, then she mysteriously

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