
Best Self Reflection Essay

Decent Essays

Best-Self Episodes from Data and Reflection The Reflected Best Self Exercise enables me to not only see myself and the strengths I manifest from the points of view of those I am constantly surrounded by, but it also serves as a conduit for me to reflect on the strengths and thoughts I hold, for myself. Having the reflections from both sides means that I have a greater understanding of myself and my impact on the world. This in itself will serve as a way for me to develop my leadership skills. The strengths that my family, friends, supervisor, and teachers have identified intertwine a lot with each other and the strengths I believe myself to hold. This is interesting because I never thought people notice the little things about me that I have always been aware of, so this experience makes me realize that it is the small things people take notice of and that is what …show more content…

My dedication to my school work is one of the most important aspects of my persona. As my middle school French teacher stated I was a "surly, taciturn young lady, who emphatically refused to do her homework [...] but when [I] realized that the work was not impossible, not even difficult for [myself..I] left with a brand new attitude". Once the light sparked in me and I realized I had to give myself more credit and actually believe in my academic abilities, I began to put my all into my schoolwork, thus becoming a straight 'A' student throughout middle school and high school. For example, I stayed after school almost all of the time and ended up getting an 'A' in my accelerated Geometry course that I was previously close to failing. I was determined to prove my excellence to not only myself, but those that doubted me. Due to my dedication to acing this course I understood the concepts inside and out and actually began to help my teacher tutor my classmates after school. I was only able to achieve this through my determination for

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