
Best Practices Of Managing Virtual Software Development Teams

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Best practices in Managing Virtual Software Development Teams.
Introduction to Virtual Software Teams.
In this hard and fast run of Technology, handling software’s efficiently in a defined area with limited resources is a toughest challenge for any industry. Hence, virtual team emerged out as a solution. The term ‘virtual’ was driven out by the virtue in the 14th century but by 1950’s its meaning extended to ‘temporarily available or created’ or ‘created by computer software’. This gave the actual definition of virtual teams as ‘any project team in which the team members are geographically dispersed and use technology to communicate or complete their goals’. The trivial way of handling teams contained many constraints and difficulties such as:
a. Geographic dispersion (occurring due to different geographical locations)
b. Temporal dispersion(Time difference in different time zones)
c. Cultural dispersion(Different languages )
d. Organizational dispersion(Different work ethics) Best practices in Managing Virtual Software Development Teams:
Software development teams are always encouraged for healthy communication such as stand-up meetings, conferences and demo (if done according to agile) .but the toughest part is of the scrum master or the group leader to confront all the challenges related to these and manage them effectively.
These are the best practices which are popular today for Managing Virtual software development teams. :
a) Managing different generations

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