
Bernie Sanders Tuition-Free College

Satisfactory Essays

Turn on any major news channel and you'll be sure to hear all about the new political topic of interest. While the candidates wage war on each other they hand out promises like candy-- Free candy of course.

As with any college student, the idea of not having to pay for school sounds quite perfect. Average student loan debt has increased at a constant rate since 1993 and peaked for 2015 graduates at $35,000 according to the Wall Street Journal. The same report shows two other key factors. While 70% of students leave college with student debt, the need for a college degree has never been more important. Unemployment rates between people holding a bachelors degree or more sits around 2%, while people with only a high school diploma is over 5%. …show more content…

At every debate and town hall event Senator Sanders has reiterated his plan for tuition-free college, and has usually been met with the same question: "How are you going to pay for it." For the sake of debate lets say Mr. Sanders is able to pay for it. Even though top economists, including democratic ones, say his math doesn't add up (you can find my cited sources at the end of the article), lets pretend that it somehow will. Let us pretend that Bernie Sanders will actually make public college tuition-free across the United States, effective immediately. Now it is time to play devils advocate, (or realist) and break down the reasons why tuition-free college would be a bad thing, not only for the economy, but every person currently pursuing a degree.

Senator Sanders continuously makes comparisons between the United States education system and many European countries. While his comparisons are harmless, they quite frankly make little sense. The top three most educated workforces in the world both pay for tuition, A quote on the Senators homepage notes that Germany recently abolished college tuition, and "Finland, Norway, Sweden and many other countries around the world also offer free college to all of their citizens." So lets look in to the details of his

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