
Beowulf Character Analysis Essay

Decent Essays

A lot of people have a routine. A pattern of events that makes their daily lives run with ease. People also have a keen eye for finding routines in the world around us. There are patterns in everything. In music, musicians tend to use the same couple of cords throughout their songs. In movies the hero usually ends up winning. This was a pattern noticed and outlined by Joseph Campbell in his book The hero with a thousand faces. The story will start with an ordinary world in which our hero’s parents are odd in some way. There is a call to adventure which is often initially refused. Then our hero meets a mentor who teaches him about his power. There are some trials and tribulations until the hero overcomes a supreme ordeal. Finally the hero returns …show more content…

This section also does not fit into Beowulf. There is no indication that Beowulf refuses the chance to help King Hrothgar and his men. In fact, Beowulf is not even asked to help King Hrothgar. He hears about his troubles with the beast Grendel, gathers his best men, and goes to meet King Hrothgar to help (21). When he gets to the hall to meet King Hrothgar, he also begins to boast about his past achievements to make sure everyone knows he is up for the challenge (21). This arrogance is looked down upon today but in Anglo-Saxon era, this helped to show a true …show more content…

These may be the only steps that fit into Joseph Campbell’s outline of a core story. Beowulf successfully defeats Grendel and people celebrate his victories. They even hang parts of Grendel from the rafters as proof of Beowulf’s achievements (24). Overcoming a remarkable exploit is what makes an epic what it is. Without this factor, Beowulf would just be another story and not fit into most stories of Anglo-Saxon culture. It is important to know though, that every core of a story ,at some point, has to relate to another core. It must have a beginning and an end. In this situation, the Anglo-Saxon’s ending core relates to that of Joseph

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