
Beowulf Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

“Heroes are made in the hour of defeat. Success is; therefore well described as a series of glorious defeats” Mahatma Gandhi. In Robert Zemeckis movie the character Beowulf the son of Ecgtheow was a mighty warrior. His tribe is from the Geat and his lord is Hygelac. He arrived at the Thanes after the rumors spread about the atrocious monster Grendel haunting Hrothgar and his mead hall. The novel Beowulf however is from an christian perspective of the young, vigorous and self confident Beowulf on his path to greatness. Beowulf and his glory were mentioned throughout the text. Beowulf is a dynamic character whose narrative can evoke excitement to the audience. Though near the end he made a pact with Grendel mom that is his biggest mistake …show more content…

The poem beowulf was made into a movie with slight changes. The character Beowulf in the movie is little different than in the book. First Beowulf character in the movies was depicted as very boastful. He is shown as a bit flawed in contrary to the text. Beowulf ultimate goal is for his name to be remembered as he says “ If I fight it will be for glory not gold” (Zemeckis, Beowulf).That is a little selfish because then the main motives of his deeds is not entirely as an act of goodwill but just another battle of many that could be told in tales. Second Beowulf is not entirely honest as portrayed in the poem. He lies about the story of the swim race with Breca as pointed out by Wiglaf that the number of sea monster he killed during the race change each time he tells the story (Zemeckis, Beowulf). When Hrothgar asked did he killed Grendel's mother he confidently said “ will I be able to escape her had I not” (Zemeckis, Beowulf). A hero should always be honest with people around them no matter the condition. It is very hard to trust somebody that is untruthful because it raises the question of what else they lying about? However Beowulf is very brave throughout the whole movie and didn't back down from any

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