“Fascism is a religion. The twentieth century will be known in history as the century of Fascism.” People though fascism was ok. And that the twentieth century will be known as the time that was run by a dictator. Fascism is a society that is ruled by a dictator. He would control the people, no one can argue with the government. Benito is basically known for fascism. Benito Mussolini was an important figure in American history because he made Americans realize dictatorship is very horrible. Benito Mussolini was born in Dovia DI Predappia in the province of Forli in Emilia Romagna, on July 29, 1883. His mother was named Rosa Mussolini and she was a devout Catholic school teacher. His father was named Alessandro Mussolini and he was a blacksmith and a socialist. Benito was named after a Mexican reformist, …show more content…
One of Benito’s was his father. Benito father, Alessandro, idolized 19th century Italian nationalist figures with humanist tendencies. He also was influenced by Friedrich Nietzsche a philosopher, Vilfredo Pareto a sociologist, Georges Sorel a syndicalist and Hubert Lagadelle who was also a syndicalist. Benito influence made him have a different outlook on …show more content…
In 1939 he became friends with Hitler. And Hitler made it so that Italy had discrimination policies against Jews. In 1942 the United States made a plan to stop Benito and to take Italy out of the World War 2. Allied forced marched to the Italian peninsula. Mussolini was forced to resign and was arrested. Mussolini hoped if he moved his government northern he would influence people, but Allied forces stopped that. Mussolini and Claretta Petacci, his mistress, tried to escape to Switzerland but they were caught on April 27, 1945. They were executed the next day and their bodies were hung on display in a Milan plaza. People were happy he died. Benito decisions weren’t always good and that’s why he was
During the Second World War, Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was the leader of the Italian Nationalist Fascist government. He was head of the Italian government from 1922 till 1943. The significance of Mussolini is that he played a key role acting as the Italian Prime Minister and established a totalitarian regime, during this time, as the unchallenged supreme leader, known as ‘Il Duce’. Fascism consisted of many contributors of which Mussolini with all his quirks was the key to most of its failures and successes, making him the most significant player that is worthy of being investigated. This topic is worthy of being investigated as Mussolini made a lot of decisions that lead to the death of many, but the question as to
No one took him seriously and people also thought that Benito Mussolini and the fascists were not a threat in Italy either. Fascism was very closely related to communism. In 1922 his followers helped him become the leader of Italy and he became a dictator like Hitler in Germany. Mussolini promised to restore the Roman Empire but started in Africa where there was the least resistance. Another dictator was Adolf Hitler.
Mussolini was a fascist dictator who was a follower of Social Darwinism, the belief of natural selection that is applied to humans. He believed there should only be one power ruling over the people: “They pledged loyalty to an authoritarian leader (dictator) who guided and brought order to the state.” (Hyperdoc Doc. 1) and “Some men are greater than others, and these men should rule. ”(Fascism Hyperdoc Doc. 2).
The rulings of these two leaders had many similarities yet still had some differences. Their beliefs in running the country came to be very alike. Hitler and Mussolini both had negation of parliamentary and democratic political order, the use of violence and of physical strength, and the “revolutionary project” of a new society. Hitler and Mussolini feared any kind of strong and permanent power other than their own. This system of government where many institutions clashed with one another was extremely chaotic, and only the one leader could keep it working.
Both of these political leaders took over and used the ideas of fascism as their type of government, the people gravitated towards them especially during times of need. To start, Benito Mussolini who was a newspaper editor and politician who pledged to rescue Italy during their time of desperate need. Fascism was on the rise in Italy, it was fueled by their disappointment and failure to win large territorial gains. People gravitated towards the new and vastly improving idea of Fascism. Italians wanted a leader who would take action and they found their answer in Benito Mussolini. Mussolini had vowed to provide strong leadership to the Italian people during this time. Mussolini had founded the Fascist Party in the year of 1919. When Italy’s economic problems continued to worsen, Mussolini’s power would considerably grow. Mussolini’s number one weapon during his rise to power was fear, he used the fear of people to take control over them. Soon thereafter, Mussolini and 30,000 of his Fascist supporters marched to Rome demanding the King step down and hand over his total power to Mussolini. The King gave in to their demands and gave Benito Mussolini full control over the Italian government. Mussolini became the Il Duce, or leader, and he made fascism the ruling political party in
Benito Amilcare Andrea Mussolini was born on 29 July 1883. He was born in Predappio in Northern Central Italy. They lived in a crowded two room house on the second floor of a palazzo. His father was a blacksmith and a member of the Socialist party. As a child, he was very smart but he was also very disobedient. As a child his father taught him about the Socialist party and to disobey authority. As a result, he was expelled from many schools. Because of this he was sent to the strict Salesian order at Faenza. There he caused even more trouble than he did at home. While he was there he stabbed another student with a pen knife. After that he was sent to Giosuè Carducci. He was yet again expelled from that school for assaulting another student with his penknife. Despite his
To understand Fascism better, it is basically a spiritual attitude. It sees not only the individual but also the nation and
Benito Mussolini’s major problem was that he was twisted in the mind. Mussolini really thought he could change Italy by using violence, which was wrong thinking. I do not personally think it is all Mussolini’s fault because it was the way he grew up. Do not get me wrong he was raised in a household were abuse was going on but his father did not show him any type of affection. I believe that if Benito’s father would have showed him love and told him be a wise person he would have been better off in my opinion. However, since that did not happen Benito had to put this façade on for the public to mask his insecurities, and his darkest thoughts. I think that Benito would have been able to fix this if he would have had good men friends to
The policies of Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini were similar with reference with the foreign policies and their economic policy however there were also differences. The similarities of the foreign policy will include their foundation of the policy was similar; both wanted to achieve great power status. However their differences were that Hitler was more cunning in achieving his goals then Mussolini was.
Benito Mussolini outlines several essential characteristics of his preferred political ideology, Fascism, in what has become known as the Doctrine of Fascism. In this paper, Mussolini outlines his vision of the ideology, and explains the major issues that Fascism will address once it becomes the leading political system in Italy. Mussolini’s major points as outlined in the Doctrine included an extreme emphasis on nationalism, organization and modernization of the state, persistent focus on religion, life as a struggle, and the notion that individuals exist only for the improvement of society as a whole. Wolfgang Schieder, after reviewing the Doctrine of Fascism, explains Mussolini’s success based on it and
Mussolini, again is similar to Hitler, is popular because he was the one that offered helped when the Italians needed help. People wanted a strong government so that they could restore their former strength. He also succeeds in securing and improving the economy, transportation and job opportunity, which improved a lot of people’s lives.
He won over the people of Italy using the same techniques and imagery that Hitler used in his homeland. The fascist ideas, and idea of an ultimate Italian empire, appealed to Mussolini, and he would stop at nothing to gain power.
Benito Mussolini was the founder of Italian Fascism and premier of Italy from 1922-43 and ruling as a dictator from about 1925. In 1919
The Doctrine of Fascism by Benito Mussolini is a very influential document to many, which has also changed the course of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It’s my believe that this document is largely responsible for the deaths and mess fortunes of millions of innocent people. Having read the doctrine, to explain bits and pieces on here, it worries me to think a man could be so driven and ruthless to write this and go through with it and most of all to think that someone could actually reassemble this again. Fascism isn’t only a different form of government but also a manipulation system. It transforms human beings into mindless property’s to obey the state. Human beings lose their dignity, respect and existence outside the state. The
Fascism was first detected after World War I in Italy. After the war, the people of Italy were ready for a new political aspect. Benito Mussolini was the man who brought this fascist ideology to Italy. Mussolini has been looking for the perfect opportunity to take complete control of a country and now was the time to do so. “In 1919 Mussolini and his followers, mostly war veterans, were organized along paramilitary lines and wore black shirts and uniforms.”(Halsall pg.2) After defeats at the polls Mussolini used his new financial backing to clothe a gang of thugs who