1.0 Description of the Problem Each delivery method in the construction industry has some challenges that need to be considered to get the project done on time without any issue. Indeed, payment mechanisms play a major role in PPPs contracts because they allocate the risks between the public and the private parties. Therefore, they are essential because they reflect both of the levels of service required as well as the most cost-effective transfer of risk to the private entity . Since the PPPs are used to develop public facilities , such as hospitals, roads, and defense facilities, we have to pay more attention to the payment mechanisms and the risks that are associated with these types of project. The main reason for that is they can significantly affect the outcomes of the PPPs because they can influence the incentives of the public and private entities to deliver the facility that must satisfy the users requirements and needs . There is a few concerns come up when using PPPs delivery method. One of the most important concerns is the effectiveness of the payment mechanisms to achieve the government’s objectives in a particular project. Moreover, it is a fact that each payment mechanism has a unique advantage and disadvantage. Therefore, the need to develop and investigate new payment mechanisms has been raised to have a payment mechanism that has the most of the available advantages in the other payment mechanisms. 2.0 Research Questions or Hypothesis Addressed in
A privately financed project was a specified from of PPP that involved not only private sector financing but also controlling ownership. PFPs differed. From the outsourcing or construction by the government. There has been widespread adoption by Governments across the world of Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) as a way of providing public infrastructure. Grimsey and Lewis report that the UK version of PPPs,
The paper discuss the need and justification of the PMP for this construction project, areas that are
4. What kind of debt (agency debt, bank debt, or Rule 144a bonds) should the sponsors of the project use to fund the deal? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each kind of debt? In your view will project bonds receive an investment grade rating? What is the“weakest link” of the project? How can they improve the likelihood of getting an investment grade?
Utilizing public funds to invest in megaprojects has been a contentious topic for many cities who are tempted to endure years, if not decades, of construction and billions of dollars of debt to hopefully experience some economic and social advantages that other megaprojects have brought to fortunate cities and areas. However, from studies and research, it seems that megaprojects have higher likeliness to fail and bring economic turmoil to cities and areas that take the risk. Unless protocol for how such projects and associated contractors are held accountable improve, using public resources to fund megaprojects should cease. Too often does it occur that the burden of megaprojects falls on taxpayers where such funding could have been used for
When engaging in a construction contract, time is of the essence and running over time projections can cause literally millions of dollars in additional non-contract costs. Therefore, construction contracts that can provide incentives to complete the project on time or early are beneficial because they effectively penalized contractors who fail to deliver on-time performance. With a CPIF contract, the
A basic definition for the procurement is “the way the building is realised” and “involves assembling and organising the skills and services of a team of construction professionals”. (the Construction Round Table, 1995). More precisely, the construction industry describes procurement as “a system that establishes the roles and relationships which make up a project organisation”; hence the overall organisation and communication structure for the management, administration and control of a project is established by the procurement system. (D.C.H Coles, 2010)
terms of time can be managed in this scenario, as there is no specific delivery
This type of procurement strategy is a ‘fast track’ strategy. Client pays a sum of money to hire a management contractor to manage the whole construction project. Therefore, some early work can be carried out before the design is complete. The contract for the construction projects are between the management contractor and sub contractor. The final cost for the project can not be identified until the final work has been awarded.
Construction projects can be extremely complex and fraught with uncertainty. Risk and uncertainty can potentially have damaging consequences for the construction projects. Therefore nowadays, the risk analysis and management continue to be a major feature of the project management of construction projects in an attempt to deal effectively with uncertainty and unexpected events and to achieve project success. Risk is inherent on construction projects and disputes frequently arise. One in four construction projects results in a dispute that leads to arbitration or litigation. With large scale, complex projects the likelihood of serious, time-consuming and expensive claims increases.
It is an important for the teachers to understand and identify how to use a new method of teaching. The activities during the classroom must be effective and governed by many strategies and new methods. The ideal teaching today encourages the new methods of teaching to be more creativity and active . In this essay I will talk about the presentation , practice, production (PPP) method, how we can use it and how to be effective for the students. Also how the teacher can use it and identify the benefit of the method , how we develop it.
In construction projects, mostly the firms (in this case the firms become client) do not have the skills or develop skills inside the firms to undertake the projects due to amount of the projects should be conducted or the complexity of the projects (Reve and Levitt, 1984). Therefore, the economic decision to conduct the projects is to procure them to third parties. However, more commonly the client agonize the final quality of the projects will meet standard requirements. Thus, impacts to involvement of complex contracts of construction procurement.
There however are challenges in the industry occasioned by uncertainty on future spending on construction projects by the government. Moreover, the cost of doing business and the ability to increasingly make revenue have created a challenging environment for the construction firms. Therefore stakeholders in the construction industry are concerned with whether the government would increase its spending and whether the public construction projects will be available in the future since less than 10 percent are currently financing their clients.
The most valuable output of the Plan Procurement Process is the Procurement Management Plan. As is the case with almost every aspect of the project management process, it is essential and imperative that the project management team implement an effective and concise plan when it comes to the various components of procurement throughout the project’s life cycle. Specifically speaking, the procurement management plan refers to the plan that has been put into place that is meant to dictate and describe the entirety of the procurement process and how it is means to relate to and with the developing procurement documentation, and how contract closure will relate to all. The procurement management plan should be implemented and developed as early in the project life cycle as possible to assure that the procurement process is consistent throughout, however, in some cases the plan may be altered once the project begins, particularly if budgetary reasons dictate.
Within a project, the project’s success and budget belong to and are the responsibility of the customer. The Customer should have the final say in regards to what is acceptable and unacceptable in regards to risk and the quantification of risk. It is however, the contractor’s responsibility to be the primary source of expertise on a project or what they are being contracted to do. The contractor should offer their opinion and recommendations, and the customer should take their contractors opinions and recommendations seriously due to their expertise in the area. Overall, collaboration between the customer and the contractor should be the ultimate way to resolve a matter of dispute. Members from both the customer and contractor side should meet discuss historical events, modeling and simulation to arrive at the appropriate answer. Also, with quantifying risk, the customer and the contractor should be able to go back and look at the data. With risk quantification, there should be very little room for opinion and judgment which should make it easy to base a decision or a resolution based on hard core data. If a solution or an answer is not able to be decided upon, a third party consultation
In this paper, an extensive literature review is undertaken to evaluate the importance of risk allocation to project stakeholders and discuss current practices. However, the complexity of this topic is beyond the scope of this paper. Hence, the attention is towards the direct participants, even though other stakeholders will also be tangentially mentioned. Also, as PPP is developing fast in the area of project finance and its importance is increasing, I have used it to illustrate some of the points made in the current risk allocation practices.