
Benefits Of Using Esri Data Essay

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• Paid Posts – For a small fee, a specific audience of current followers or non-followers can be targeted to receive specified posts. We can utilize ESRI data to develop specific awareness by census tract, target only those within the town or use a broader reach. • Match Content and Timing to Channel – Some posts that do very well on one channel will have little or no success on others. Twitter needs to be shorter and have pictures. Facebook is generally longer, with full sentences and a more casual tone. Instagram should always have excellent photos, never out of focus or poor lighting. 2. Gather and Track Performance, Outcomes • Gather Data – For Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram the data can be gathered from the native platforms. • Work in a Cycle – Review most successful, less successful, identify trends and tweak practices. Initially this will be every few days. Once we get into a “new normal” it will be monthly. • Develop Performance Measures and Monthly Targets • Report on a Regular Basis –Quarterly reports with some data sets measured monthly, as well as separate reports for special projects/events/campaigns. 3. Define a Tone and Best Practices by Channel • Tone Variance – We will need to decide if we want to speak in a voice that parallels the user base for each platform, a more consistent voice across platforms, or a more formal voice that may mirror the entire town population. • When and How to Post o Schedule Posts in the Native Environments, or

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