
Benefits Of Juvenile Prisons

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The majority of Supreme Court Justices believe that mandatory life sentences are unfair, and I agree. For juveniles, a mandatory life sentence without the possibility of parole is unconstitutional.The juvenile prison system can help kids turn their lives around, rehabilitation gives kids a second chance. Successful rehabilitation is better for society in the long run than releasing someone who's spent their entire young adult life in general prison. The brain development confirms the sense in understanding that children are different from adults in ways that are particular to identifying age appropriate criminal sentences. A young teenager released from juvenile prison is far less likely to commit a crime than someone coming out of an adult …show more content…

In the article “Startling Finds On Teenage Brains” By Paul Thompson states “ brain cells and connections are only being lost in the areas controlling impulses, risk-taking, and self control” If we simply send juveniles through the adult justice system it might make them worse individuals. For instance, since their minds are still growing, by being around worse criminals they may pick on their criminal traits by recent psychosocial studies have shown youth is a period of intense change in the brain.Stating the article “Given this delicate - and drastic-reshaping of the brain, teens need all the help they can get to steer their development onto the right path” Some juveniles that went through traumatic experiences which led to their sentencing will be able to get to the reason of their issues, since the counselors will be there to guide them. I believe that by being rehabilitated the juvenile will have a better chance at life because eventually they will be back in …show more content…

On the article “Startling Finds On Teenage Brains” By Paul Thompson states “teen-brain research is the finding that a massive loss of the brain tissue occurs in the teen years” Teenagers don’t have full use of their brains and society feel as if juveniles are tried as adults they will get the full punishment that is deserved. Juvenile courts fail to stop violence. The courts believe that they should be punished for adult crimes if they are going to act in such manors ,children are vulnerable of suffering mental and physical violence in jails, they are able to rebuild, and we as people are ending a human being’s life.The article also states “reckless actions restructure themselves with startling speed in the teen years” They don’t fully understand themselves so how can they fully understand what’s ever wrong. The first problem associated with trying children as adults, is the simple fact that a child would never be able to survive and learn the wrong in grown persons environment, such as

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