
Gmo Maize Essay

Decent Essays

One of the benefits of GMO maize’s is high nutritional values. Almost a half of the Kenya population do not have accessibility to a well-balanced meal. This is due to poverty and low productivity of agricultural foods. The introduction of GMO maize may provide solution to this problem since there is a possibility to inject the seeds with any nutrients (Bouis 2007). Research shows that there is a biotechnology rice that consist of iron and carotene. Considering the benefits of these nutrients to the human body there is a possibility to develop a maize variety with those nutrients or even more nutrients. This technology will helps Kenya to improve on the lives of people especially children (ibid). The expectations of every farmer is to have high productivity of high quality when it comes to their crops. However, due to bad weather conditions this has just been a mere dream for many small holders’ farmers. Biotechnology has developed some seedlings such as the “WEMA”that are water efficiency and can resist drought since they do not require a lot of water to grow (AATF-Africa. 2015). In addition, this kind of seedlings have been made with gene compositions that are from tough environment to make them possible to withstand and climatic conditions. The purpose of a such a move is to provide hope to the farmers from the dry regions where the normal maize seedlings are not able to give high output of products (Varshney et al. 2011). Other potential benefits of GMO maize in Kenya

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