Jerome Lane October 5, 2014 MMS 333 Public Relations and Marketing Prof. Carney GMO Pro-Con Assignment Introduction Created by splicing genes, Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) are organisms formed from biotechnology techniques (Millis, 2006). Many people have recently become concerned by the rising popularity of the GMO products. The central debate which has attracted controversy is whether the GMOs are beneficial or rather harmful to humankind. The embracement of GMOs as part of us has attracted as much support as criticisms (Marris, 2001). This paper, therefore, seeks to put into perspective, the both sides of the debate and come to a conclusion regarding the issue. Benefits of Genetically Modified Organisms Over the years, the …show more content…
Besides providing resistance to harsh environmental conditions for crops, GMOs are a means to ensure nutrition throughout the world. GMOs will change the lives of many of the less fortunate for the better. Drawbacks of Genetically Modified Organisms Genetically modified foods adversely affect our health. The consumption of these foods increases the risk of contracting diseases such as cancer. The genetically altered foods contain harmful toxins that have adverse effects on people’s health (Tourte, 2003). Some of the notable effects that have been identified include; increased allergic reactions, antibiotic resistant bacteria as well as other toxic hazards. The allergic reactions come as a result of genetic modification which often requires mixing or addition of proteins that are non-indigenous to the animal or plant. According to Millis (2006), potential intestinal damage is also another risk that has been associated with genetically modified foods. Studies conducted on animal have indicated altered internal cell structures, unusual tumor growth as well as sudden death of specimen. There is a risk of permanent damage to the environment when plants are grown or livestock kept in conditions that generally wouldn’t support them (Andow et al., 2008). Bacteria have also become stronger due to the use of have also resulted from plants and animals which are bacteria-resistant. Herbicide resistant weeds can result
When cooking genetically modified foods, the food has to be fully cooked in order to get the chemicals out of the food. If left in the food, the chemical can enter our bloodstream and cause us to be deathly ill and may even cause death. Genetically modified foods may be good for the economy but they are not good for humans if not cooked properly.In a review of nineteen studies it shows that there has been significant organ disruption
A major upside to GMOs is fighting world hunger. People also need to realize that the world population is increasing rapidly (Baragona).The only way that we will be able to support the growing population is to produce more food while still using the same amount or less resources. Farmers can do this by through the use of GMO’s. GMO’s have certain traits that non-GMO organisms don't have that can make crops produce more food and resources while using less water and
Reason to Listen: Genetically modified food can cause serious health issues such as allergies, diseases, and liver problems (Health Risks, 2016). Each of you has most likely eaten food that has been genetically modified, meaning that you have the potential to be exposed to these health problems. Your health is at risk here along with the health of your friends and family.
This implies that the intake of genetically modified food leaves the body in an unnatural state and impedes the body’s natural mechanisms, which therefore endangers the body’s health. Dangerous side effects of excessive consumption of GMO in a diet disrupts the natural state of the body which can range from body toxicity, food allergies, negative reproductive effects, and sometimes even death (6 Negative Side Affects To Eating Genetically Modified Foods, 2010).
Like any technology, genetic engineering offers benefits as well as potential risks. Genetic engineering can negatively affect human health as well as environmental impacts. For example, genetic engineering can cause allergic reactions or even create new ones. According to the article, Genetically Engineered foods, “Modified organisms may interbreed with natural organisms and out-compete them, leading to extinction of the original organism or to other unpredictable environmental effects,” ("Genetically engineered foods: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia"). Genetically engineering can cause this environmental problem directly because an engineered
Agronomists have been working on these problems for years, but the rapid population growth of humans makes overcoming these challenges increasingly urgent. If we can’t feed the world, it will eventually feed on us.” (Newsweek/United Nations) Scientists find a way to add “medicine” to plant genes, which help it withstands pest attacks and drought problems.“Some GMO corn crops can protect harvests in water-limited conditions better than conventionally produced crops. Other GMOs can also promote use of no-till farming, which keeps more moisture in the soil. No-till also enables farmers to make fewer passes through the field using machinery, which means less fuel used and greenhouse gases emitted.”(Monsanto) GMOs are useful for helping with planting crops in any area of the world.
Another crucial way in which humans are harmed from genetically modified foods is obesity. Obesity stems from an abnormal diet with high calorie-dense foods which results in above average body fat. It is associated with increased risk of disease such as cardiovascular failure and liver cancer, disability and incapacitation from excess weight on the joints and bones, and even death from complications arising from the obesity – not the obesity itself. People are consciously ignorant about the foods they eat. “Obesity is the sixth most common disease worldwide. Approximately 1.1 billion adults and 10% of children are considered obese” (Haslam). Obesity is a chronic
Since a whopping 80 percent of processed food is genetically modified, many health issues come from GMOs. For one, in 1997 to 1999 children’s food allergies spiked 3.4 percent and from 2009 to 2011, 5.1 percent (National Center for Health Statistics.) More research conducted by Brown University states that because “Genetic enhancements often combine proteins not contained in the original organism, which can cause
Many people across the globe believe that genetically modified organisms are dangerous and should be more heavily regulated, but genetically modified crops are among the most rigorously tested and regulated food products on the market (Bayer CropScience website, 2015) [1]. Why is such testing mandatory? This is because of the way allergic reactions can be triggered by certain proteins. When genetically altering an organism, new proteins are introduced into said organism. These proteins can be responsible for allergic outbreaks if an intolerant person consumes it. (American Academy of Allergy Asthma & Immunology, 2015) [2]. To prove that GMOs are in fact safe for human consumption, scientists cross reference the chemical composition of the newly introduced proteins against over 500 known allergens (such as the protein in peanuts), to ensure that the new protein is not similar enough to any known allergen to cause an over reaction from the human immune-system. (Saleh Al-Muhsen, Ann E Clarke, Rhoda S Kagan, 2003) [3]. These strict guidelines are enforced by the Food and Drug
The issue of producing and consuming genetically altered foods is controversial. Changing the natural content of plants and animals has negative impacts. For instance, genetically altering the DNA of plants or animals have a possibility to create allergens into a food, which results in allergic reactions. Environmentally, genetically modified crops have disadvantages. Plants can be modified to be pesticides and herbicide tolerant. Hence, when plants are sprayed with chemicals, those chemicals contaminate the surroundings. Besides, the chemicals are toxic to some pollinators, this results in the reduction of pollinators, which contributes to the decrease in genetic diversity in crops. The reduction in genetic diversity of plants disrupts the
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) proposes that a myriad of health problems including infertility, immune system problems, accelerated aging, disruption of insulin and cholesterol regulation, gastrointestinal problems, and organ damage are all associated with the ingestion of genetically modified
A Genetically Modified Organism or GMO is an organism whose genome has been altered by the process of genetic engineering so that its DNA contains one or more genes not normally found within. These genetically modified organisms are a relatively new phenomenon in the United States, introduced in 1994. However, beginning in 2014 these chemicals could be found in 90% of corn, cotton, and soybeans produced in the United States. The looks and taste of genetically modified organisms may seem inviting but are the health risks really worth it? In my opinion, I believe that while genetically modified organisms do have positive feel and comfort they pose a large health risk to all who choose to consume them.
The effects of GMO foods on our health, GMO (genetically modified organism) also known as genetic engineering, biotechnology, or recombinant DNA technology (rDNA). Where the gene extraction resulting from the DNA of one species and inseminated artificially into unrelated plant or animal genes. These foreign genes come from the following sources: bacteria, viruses, insects, animals, even humans. GMOS are also known as “transgenic” organisms as it involves genes transferring. It’s also called genetic engineering (GE) or genetic modification (GM). Current genetic engineering is very crude. Inaccuracy of new gene insertion disrupts organism of DNA. With current extremely limited knowledge of DNA it is impossible to predict or
Genetically modified foods can also cause increased toxicity in the human body. Most of the plants consumed by humans often produce low level of toxins which is safe. However, mixing a gene that produced high levels of toxins is very dangerous to humans. This could interfere with the metabolism in the human body. Additionally, there was an incident in 2003 regarding BT corn that triggered skin problems in 100 people living
They wake up in the morning. They start packing their sack lunches for school, work or whatever they have going on that day. They start with packages of sliced apples and then add peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Do those people know that according to The Facts about GMO 's, "70-80% of the foods we eat in the United States . . . contain ingredients that have been genetically modified" (Grocery)? That means that 70 to 80 percent of those sack lunches are genetically modified. The World Health Organization defines genetically modified (GM) foods as "foods derived from organisms whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally . . . through the introduction of a gene from a different organism" (Food). The majority of food is genetically modified and it is important for everyone to learn more about the food they are eating. Are genetically modified foods something to be afraid of? The truth is that GM foods can be good for us and they have numerous benefits to the consumer.