It is always so much faster to go through the drive-thru and order a Big Mac with a side of fries than to have to stay home and prepare a meal. Dining out means greasy pizza, unhealthy burgers, and expensive salads. What people do not realize is that staying home could be more beneficial for them than going out and wasting cash on fast food all the time. The advantages of dining in are that people can save money, it can be healthier, and there is more family bonding time.
One of the most important reasons to stay home and prepare one’s own meal is that money is being saved. Buying all the ingredients to assemble ¬the lunch or dinner is not that expensive. It is affordable if the shopping is done wisely. Chiara, a marketing and events consultant said that eating homemade food is a lot cheaper than eating at a restaurant (Iacoviello). If people choose to eat at a somewhat expensive restaurant, they may end up paying somewhere between $10 and $20 for one meal. With that amount of money, the person could have created three or four dinners at home. Not only does the family have to spend money on food that might not even be tasty, but they also have to spend money on gas to get to the place. Additionally, if the place where the food is being prepared at is unsanitary, it could end in health issues. This would lead to one having to go to the doctor to get examined, which would then lead to expensive medical bills needing to be paid. After adding up all the money being spent on a
enjoying cooking at home or other ways, which is a cheaper choice. Also, competitors are
Drive around any reasonably sized town in America, and there will likely be a fast food restaurant. However, it is also probable that there be restaurants lining the streets too. In the short essay “Don’t Blame the Eater” by David Zinczenko, the author argues that it is difficult to find economical and convenient alternatives to fast-food restaurants. Conversely, grocery stores and sit down restaurants are widespread, providing customers with healthy choices. Grocery stores provide a wide array of healthy foods and ingredients to prepare a meal with. Fortunately, many restaurants will have nutritious options for health conscious individuals. While some may find it challenging to ignore the conveniences of fast-food restaurants, it takes very
IN the movie we see how some families rather eat out from a fast food chain or just buy chips and soda thinking it is cheaper. There was an example on the movie where a meal bought from a fast food chain was actually more expensive ($25-$26) vs a healthy meal composed of vegetables, water and some protein that could only cost you about $13-$15 .Results showed that much healthier diets cost, on average, only $1.50 more per day, a small price in comparison to both the health benefits and the savings in health costs (, 2018). Preparing your own food rather than eating at fast food chains (unhealthy places) allows you not only to eat healthy, but to also save some coins. Overall, they are just trying to tell us that highly processed tend to make us hungrier because they send your blood sugar spiking and subsequently crashing, leading to increased appetite even after you’ve eaten. On the other hand, healthier foods tend to satisfy your appetite more eating
from McDonalds than a home cooked meal of baked fish with a Caesar salad on the side. A Big Mac cheeseburger alone is 550 calories and with French fries, that’s an extra 365 calories, compared to the baked fish and a salad which is only 324 calories combined. Mostly because they are too lazy to actually take out the time to prepare the meal for themselves. When cooking you have to keep checking to see if the foods done, take out certain supplies, and you have to stand up to cook, while at the drive-through you come in hungry and leave out full in less than ten minutes. After a long day of work, most people want to take the easy way out by going through the drive thru and ordering a combo. Take the easy road one night then slowly but surely it starts to become a habit, and that’s when lots of Americans find themselves in a fast food restaurant line almost every day. For example, my cousin works long hours as a nurse and when she gets off from work, she’s usually exhausted. She has a ten year old son who’s never had a home cooked meal from his mother. Nutrition experts have long identified the lack of home cooking as one of the factors contributing to the ongoing obesity crisis, including childhood obesity. My family always question my cousin about why she doesn’t cook and she always give us the same answer.
It is much more convenient for a working parent to spend five to ten dollars per person at a fast food restaurant such as McDonalds than to drive to a grocery store, buy healthy food, and prepare a meal for their family.
Fast food sabotages family dinners. The multitude, convenience, and affordability of fast-food restaurants encourages many families to eat on the run in the car, rather than having unhurried time together at the dinner table. Even mothers or fathers with the best intentions of cooking at home and eating with their children can find it hard to resist a drive-through window that makes dinner quick and easy. According to an article in Restaurant Quarterly, residents in medium-sized cities drives past an average of seven fast-food establishments on their way home from work. For a tired parent, passing a bag or box over the back seat to hungry, impatient children is a seductive option when compared to the cooking and dishwashing waiting at home. The gulping of burgers and sodas quickly consumed in cars have begun to replace the simple, slow joy of eating, talking, and relating to each other over a shared
This is continuing to be a major concern as this “convenience” is causing an increase in weight from youth all the way to adults. It`s more typical in today 's age for families to be in a constant rush with work or their children 's schedules, that fast food becomes their instant go in order to save time. On average, families eat at a dine-in restaurant once a week while they go go through fast food drive thrus several times a week (Murphy). Being a high school and college student, it is extremely convenient with my busy and on the go constant schedule, to pull through a drive thru at a fast food restaurant and order something quick before heading to my next event. A recent survey from 50 various fast food customers showed how the convenience of a drive thru makes them select fast food locations more frequently chosen. 80% of the customers selected responded that they enjoy eating fast food and eat it on a daily basis. This is largely due to the fact that the wait time for meals at these locations are much shorter than dine in restaurants (Cox). As there is no way to beat this type of convenience when it comes to food, it is affecting people 's health at a vast rate. The blindness of the consumers to the content of the food is one of the greatest causes of the fast food epidemic and the health risks it brings. People are now becoming more at risk to more serious health issues from being overweight and continuing to put
Some families have enough money to dine out every day, while lower budget families may only be able to dine out around one to two times a week or less. Some families may not even be able to eat out once or twice a week. There can also be children dining out with them, which will cost even more. I know people don’t have to dine out, but this is just an example to show how much “extra” money low budget families have.
Fast food critics have revealed that fast food patrons are more indolent and slothful in handling home chores, while the other individuals who prefer healthy home-cooked meals are more energetic, active and willing to deal with chores better. They also pointed out several reasons why fast food eateries may be less healthy than other types of restaurant, these include time, costs and signatory dishes (Spurlock and Schlosser). But in the actual context, this may not be so for all fast food restaurants as more restaurants are digging into improving their meals’ healthiness for the sake of their customers and the public on the whole. Hence, whether fast food should be blamed to be the main trigger to obesity is still disputable. Though research has demonstrated that people that eat fast food inclined to be obese compared to those who do not (Paeratakul et al.), will a greasy home-made stir-fry dish do a better job to enhance the consumers’ health than a pair of roasted chicken sandwiches in a fast-food
In today’s society, most people plan their daily meals around their busy schedules. Food plays an important role in our lives and most just rely on fast food because it is quicker and easier. However, devouring fast food is one of the worst choices you can make. In order to maintain proper health and prevent numerous illnesses and diseases, consuming healthy homemade meals is definitely a more ideal choice. According to a recent study, “when people cook most of their meals at home, they consume fewer carbohydrates, less sugar and less fat than those who cook less or not at all – even if they are not trying to lose weight” (Wolfson). Because many people work full time and get home very late, people continue to eat it without being aware of how unhealthy it is for you and the health risks that it can eventually bring on. Based on the demand for quality food choices of today’s generation, it is important to compare and contrast the effects of preparing healthy, homemade meals versus relying on fast food restaurants for daily eats.
Eating is essential part of our lives, and it is a necessity for human survival as it is for all other living species. While all living organisms need to eat to survive human race has more ways on how to satisfy their eating necessity. Two ways that humans can satisfy their hunger is by making a choice whether they prefer to eat out or stay at home and cook. Eating out has become popular trend in today’s society, especially among younger generations. With wide variety in delicious food offered, and chance to enjoy it with your loved ones, eating out has become primary choice for many busy adults. Eating at home gives us an opportunity to enjoy diverse food choices as well, and it can be also enjoyed with family and friends alike. Cooking is one of the oldest crafts that has been passed down from our older generations, and is still popular among many that enjoy preparing food at home. While eating out and eating at home are similar in variety of delicious foods offered, and chance to share it with our families and friends, nutritional health value choices are different for each of them. Eating out offers less control on nutritionally healthy food choices, and eating at home gives you more control on what kind of nutritional foods are we consuming.
Another thing to consider is that when you get take-out, you spend a lot more for it than you would if you cooked your meals at home. This is because they offer so much convenience, and you have to be willing to pay for that convenience. So, that means that you aren’t just eating unhealthy meals, but you are paying extra for them!
Mealtime is the perfect time for families to get together, catch up and wind down. This time can be used to catch up with each other and learn new things about the people that we live with and love. Many families feel that there is not enough time in the day to cook and sit down together. In the article “ How Eating at Home Can Save Your Life” written by Mark Hyman, MD he states “Americans spend more time watching cooking on the Food Network, than actually preparing their own meals.” If families are saying there is not enough time to cook a meal and sit down and enjoy it together what does that say about their priorities? Meal time with our families need to become a priority
Have a lunch outside - not dinner: Lunch menus are 20 percent less expensive than a dinner menu. It's better to plan a lunch outside with your friends or family than to have meals during overcrowded nights. Many restaurants offer great deals during afternoon on same meal which they serve for dinner. For substantial savings; go for lunch specials!!!
Eating at a restaurant is more expensive than home food, its usually more expensive because the restaurant adds taxes and money for the service. Also, the restaurant serves sometimes less quality than what you buy and less quantity.