
Benefits Of American Imperialism

Decent Essays

Ikran Hassan

Google states, ”Imperialism is a policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force”. The European used native countries and people for their own purpose. There were some benefits and costs of European imperialism on native countries. One benefit was they opened schools and provided medications for everyone because they thought it was their duty. One cost is British treated African like slaves. They were sold and bought like objects and were treated brutally. Another cost is The Scramble For Africa, It is when European power fought control for large parts of Africa. Although there was some negative impact on Imperialism there were also positive thing that we're done. According to Role Of Missionaries In Colonization Of Africa Missionary opened schools and hospital for everyone. They mainly helped poor people and orphans. They also opened medical schools and trained people. Medicine was introduced to Africa during the imperialism. The British bought medicine and provided it to the people. One disease the Imperialist treated was malaria. They vaccinated people to prevent the disease.
Additionally the Europeans brought formal education to congo and taught them about religion, languages, and basic subjects. The goal of the Missionaries was to spread western ideas, custom, and religion to people in …show more content…

Before the Europeans, Africa was divided into tribal clans. When Europe started exploring Africa they bought African slaves along with them to the American colonies. They discovered large deposits of natural resources and Europeans started separating Africa. France took most of the West Africa, Belgium claimed Congo, and other nations claimed different parts of Africa. According to African: Resources these nations used African colonies to gain diamonds, gold, rubber, and plantation. These were some of the raw materials the imperialist needed to supply it to their

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