
Benefit Of Ocean Exploration

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Astonishingly, Did you know that we have better maps of the moon than we do of the ocean? It’s true! Scientists are working to make drones to explore the deep sea. Ocean Exploration is a developing science that incorporates the use of marine biology and drone technology. Ocean Exploration technology will be an overall benefit to society because 1. exploring the ocean is easier than before and 2. ocean exploration can help with monitoring the deep sea.

First of all, ocean exploration technology has advanced much more than before in the past decade. In the past, people had to bring everything needed for scuba diving which included hundreds of pounds of gear and photographing technology. Now, all you need is the drone and an ocean. There are many things needed for scuba diving. Such as, oxygen tanks and diving gear that also cost lots of money. With drones, ocean exploration will be much cheaper and faster than scuba divers ever have been. (#2) According to a journalist, Kimberly Pierceall, from Military Times, from her article ‘Researchers Want To Use Drones For Ocean Floor Exploration’ She said that, “..They (Scientists) hope (12 research drones) will survey the deepest parts of the ocean faster — and cheaper — than anyone has done before” (Pierceall, 2017). This evidence proves that with new developing ocean technology, exploring will be cheaper and faster than it ever has before. This is a benefit to society because researchers will be able to explore vast amounts of the

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