
Beneatha Character Analysis

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Through her education, she gets to stand to own her own and a bold feminist in the society. He embraces politics in the family and advocates for civil rights. Towards the end of the play, Beneatha completely embraces Asagai and takes George out of her choices. She even considers studying medicine in Africa, and that transforms her from thinking of being a white to the recognition of her real identity as a real African lady. In Fences, she can be compared to Cory who was dedicated to being a footballer and worked in a Grocery during his free times (Wilson). Both characters separate from their family due to ideological differences and conflicts.
Ruth Younger. The playwright displays the role of women in America during the 1950s. Ruth who is …show more content…

The family was living in shaggy flats in the slams, and Walter who was seen as the breadwinner of the family was just a chauffeur. Likewise, Troy worked as a garbage collector and spends his free times repairing his fences and never wanted his son to pass through that low life (Wilson). The families go through various financial constraints and challenges in life but then stays optimistic for a better future. Then we have gender and feminism (Sutton). Regardless of Walter being the son of Mama, he is the head of the family, and mama gives him the money from insurance scheme to invest and save for Beneatha's fees. Women are taken as housewives hose duties were to rear children and perform house chores like Ruth who is still pregnant amidst all these challenges. Rose in Fences also plays her role in bringing up the family including her stepdaughter and stand firm against all the odds with the family. She is a uniting factor and pleads with Cory to forgive her father after his …show more content…

It shows us how the bold blacks like Lena, Beneatha, and Walter stood out against the racist of that time. Regardless of being surrounded by a myriad of problems, they held on to their dreams and stood against all the odds to realize them. Beneatha studies hard to join medical college, and Lena eventually buys a home in the White men neighborhood regardless of the consequences that are likely to emerge. Troy also in Fences gets to be a track driver and builds the family home. In summary, through unity, hope and determination the family's dreams were slowly getting accomplished one after the other. Therefore, we should always be dedicated united and optimistic in our endeavors to realize

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