
Ben Stuart Metaphors

Decent Essays

In this video, Ben Stuart discusses Psalm 1; he touches on a few different aspects of spirituality, using metaphors, stories, and examples to aid him in getting his point across. To begin the presentation, he brings up music: how it is a powerful force, how it can cause individuals to think, and how it is able to invoke emotion. He continues on, claiming that music is the “most natural medium to give expression to even the most profound human emotions”. After explaining why the book of Psalm is written as music--it allows us to properly display and share our feelings with God--he discusses that music is influential to our thoughts, therefore shaping what we care about, furthermore affecting what we chase. He later directly addresses Psalm …show more content…

The way that Ben Stuart spoke to the audience made it easy to understand the information he presented; he used many examples to keep the audience interested, and also applied music to the speech, which made it easier for people to relate. The first part that made me think was when Ben talked about music being such a compelling force; its repetitiveness and rhythm causes the lyrics to become temporarily embedded in our brains, influencing every decision. The fact that Psalm was created in order to produce such a result is incredible--God used a popular form of media to display his thoughts so that His followers could remember His words and perceive the emotions that He felt. Music conveys emotion that is otherwise difficult to explain. Another part that stood out to me was the part about how there are always two paths that we can take. Most decisions in your life are a part of your journey down one of the paths; the path you take is determined by whether or not your decision was spirit driven or flesh driven. We should rely on God and his laws to direct our decisions: all of his laws are true. Making choices by ourselves is foolish because we can easily be influenced by sources that are not aligned with God’s Word. The last part was interesting as well. Ben explained God’s ‘path’ more in-depth, discussing how getting onto His path is not based on following all his laws. Many people think that in order to be a Christian, you need to abide by everything that the Bible says; however, God doesn’t expect you to do this. Instead, he just requires that you recognize your selfish ways and turn to God to help you get on the other path. He doesn’t need you to be perfect; He just needs you to acknowledge that you are a sinner and that you need his help to make the correct

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