
Ben Ross The Wave

Decent Essays

For this past independent reading assignment I read the book The Wave by Todd Strasser. This novel details the social experiment a high school history teacher, Ben Ross, performs on his students during a unit on World War II. After Mr. Ross shows his students a video of the tragedy that took place during the Holocaust and his students are relatively unaffected by it, he attempts to make them understand how people could turn a blind eye to injustice by starting his experiment, The Wave. Mr. Ross’s students do not know they are being used in an experiment,but the movement gains popularity across the school. One of the students, Laurie Saunders, realizes that The Wave has gained too much power. When Laurie receives a letter to publish in her newspaper …show more content…

After reading this book, I feel as though I need to work even harder to remember the tragedy of the past and maintain my individuality to keep events like the Holocaust from ever happening again. What I liked most about The Wave is that the author did not seem to dramatise the true story of this experiment too much, and the characters’ actions were very believable. I also was impressed by how the author could engage me deeply in a book that was so short, at one-hundred and thirty-eight pages. Although I really enjoyed reading this, one aspect I did not like was how there were so many characters to keep track of. I was sometimes confused while reading this book because there were some names of characters I did not recognize, so I had to turn back and find where they were mentioned. Overall, I highly recommend The Wave, as it is a well-written book that shows how easily people, in this case high-school students, can be manipulated when they are given orders and structure from a superior, and I think the author highlights the parallels from Mr. Ross’s experiment to the terror and lack of idiosyncrasy in Nazi

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