
Ben Mezrich's The Accidental Billionaires

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The Silicon Valley is the most ferocious jungle in the world, full of money, lying, love, and hate. Programmers have one mantra: Keep up or die trying. Ben Mezrich beautifully embodied all of this in his book The Accidental Billionaires: The Founding of Facebook. Facebook, now a $547 billion dollar company, drove best friends Mark and Eduardo apart. Mark Zuckerberg, a genius hacker who was so advanced he was on an F.B.I watchlist, and Eduardo Saverin, a genius investor who was confident and dressed well, both met at a Phoenix Club punching event. The Phoenix club was the club for the socially elite, and both were invited on account of being geniuses. When Eduardo was invited to the next event and eventually was invited to join, it was apparent that Mark was very Jealous. It was hard to tell …show more content…

Mark was heartbroken due to his girlfriend breaking up with him. He decided to create a website that would compare two girls together so he could get revenge on every girl out there. (At this point Mark was heavily intoxicated.) When he finished, he let some of his friends try it. It spread like wildfire, getting so many uses that the universities bandwidth completely crashed. Mark got reprimanded, and he decided to take up a more well-perceived project. Two very rich twins asked him to code their dating website, and he took it up. He later realized that there were many fundamental flaws in the site and dropped away. He started his own venture: Eduardo provided the initial money and it was a hit. It spread like an infection and 4000 users had joined by the night. As things grew, Mark decided to move to the silicon valley to be right in the middle of the tech industry. That's where Sean Parker came into play. He was a wild spirit and was an idol to Mark. Sean wanted Eduardo out of the company, and when billionaire Peter Thiel invested into the company, Eduardo was diluted

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