
Ben Klasky Hooked On Nature Essay

Decent Essays

The purpose of this speech is to persuade and inform people of facts that can change lives. It is clear that this can be done in an entertaining way while maintain focus so that the subject matter stays within the topic of the benefits of nature. After watching this speech, I was better informed about how much we receive from our environment and the consequences that result from being cooped up inside all day long. The realization that time spent outside is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle was enlightening and to have it told in the way this speech is designed was entertaining as well. In “Hooked On Nature” Ben Klasky displays a clear picture of his reason for the speech, the importance of nature. The entire speech is well structured and thoughtfully laid out so each part of the speech flows into the next. Mr. Klasky easily …show more content…

In addition to being persuasive and informative, “Hooked On Nature” is also entertaining evidenced early on when Mr. Klasky includes the video of the butterfly demonstrating “your kid on nature” which is very memorable since everyone has seen the commercial he is emulating. It is also memorable because not many people get to view the actual process of watching a butterfly emerge from its cocoon and it was audibly heard that the audience had a positive reaction to the video because of the unexpectedness and the beauty of it. It was ingenious using nature to reinforce the positive effects he emphasizes all through the production. All the information he uses clearly relates to the topic and there isn’t anything included that could be classified as irreverent which has the potential of losing an audience. The audience appears to be as enraptured as I was, by the clever us of personal stories, ambitions, and the way he relates to the audience by including them in his speech being personal at

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