
Beloved Character Analysis

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Sethe, the mother of four is tormented everyday by the attempt to make her children safe. Her two boys left home long ago and now she resides in her home at I24 with her only living daughter Denver. In the novel Beloved, written by Toni Morrison the character Beloved seeks to gain power over a her family, and those around her.
Sethe is always in a constant power struggle with the ghost baby the haunts her house. “Full of baby’s venom. The women in the house knew it and so did the children. For years each put up with the spite in his own way” (Morrison 1). This quote is talking about the ghost baby in the house that haunts the family that resides in it. It seeks power over the whole house in the beginning. This caused her two boys to leave the house because the baby was out to get them. “Made him trust her enough to step inside her door smack into a pool of pulsing red light… a wave of grief soaked him so thoroughly he wanted to cry” (Morrison 11). A visitor Paul D is talking about how it felt to walk into the house, this is how the baby is seeking power over everyone in that house because this is how it feels most of the time in the house. Constantly causing pain, and grief in a way. The ghost baby causes this type of pain and torment throughout the whole novel, seeking power and control over Sethe inpartiular. This power struggle is shown at an even bigger even when the ghost baby is reincarnated as a real young women known as Beloved. She is the oldest daughter of Sethe.

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