
Belief Perseverance Essay

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Cognitive schemas will store information to describe a pattern of thought or behavior. Anderson, Lepper, and Ross (1980) explained that belief perseverance is a prime function of the causal, explanatory scripts or cognitive schemas that people create to make sense of a social situation. Although, these scripts are hard to convert once they are created mainly because they are independent of the data they were derived from and they will continue to be obtainable, but never revised. This illustrates why it is a challenge to change a person’s belief, mainly because he or she has a deeply rooted schema to help comprehend a social circumstance. Once belief perseverance takes over, it is like entering the point of no return. There is no use if someone attempts to correct their beliefs, they are fixated on their convictions. The conversation would have been in vain considering the person already shows signs of not …show more content…

Herein brews a plethora of political disagreements due to belief perseverance. Cobb, Nyhan and Reifler (2012) conducted a series of studies to gather false positive information to view if ultimately it does in fact, cause damage to the likeness and popularity of a politician individual. For instance, politicians have it beyond rough, mainly because they are stereotyped poorly and it appears to create an over-correction of an effect of false positive information. Also, there are techniques that are presented in belief perseverance which elaborates if there is discredited information there should be a lasting effect whether it is positive or negative (Cobb, Nyhan & Reifler, 2012). Essentially, this indicates how it does not matter if the belief is positive, or negative, it is still difficult to overcome someone’s belief perseverance. The label of the belief is either positive or negative; it is

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