
Belgian Waffles

Decent Essays

It took my group almost two months to make a fully functioning business that would serve the students at Cardinal Carter. Every detail was brainstormed and decided upon so that we could offer the best product to our customers. The first step was to create a product that we believed that students wanted and that product was Belgian Waffles. The next step was to create a business around the product, this included the name, the slogan and every detail that you could imagine. With the name and business idea finalized, the ultimate challenge was how to present the product to the customer. In this day of age, the quality of a product does not matter as much as it's appearance, but our goal was to make a quality product that looked great and also …show more content…

One of the things that I noticed was that our table could have looked better. Brighter colours and even lights would have made us stand out from the other groups. I saw that one of the Market Fair groups had professionally printed their logo, it looked great and made the group look professional. The cinnamon waffle group made their product at school, which made it warm and even fresh, just what Carter Students want. The difference between the waffles was that theirs was smaller and took less time to make unlike ours which took two hours to make just 50. With more time to prepare it could have been possible, but the only issue was that to cook one waffle, it takes four minutes. We decided on a compromise that we would make them the day before, freeze them and then defrost them at home and bring them right before lunch A started. While looking at the expenses I saw that we could have saved at least ten dollars. The more we save the more profit we could have made. These are the lessons you learn from …show more content…

The reason organization is important, is because without how are you going to be an effective business. When you are organized, ideas are clearly stated meaning that you and the teacher know exactly what you mean. Being organized also means that your goals are easier to achieve since your path is already drawn out for you. Keeping receipts, managing money, storing important documents, knowing who does what. Organization is so important, you will be marked on it during the Market Fair. Another great lesson I learned is to bring change in low denominations such as quarters but also bring toonies for people who have large bills. When dealing with customers, treat them with respect and do everything in your power to convince them that they should spend money on your product or service. Never forget to smile when talking or dealing with customers since it makes them feel welcomed and it also displays a good image on your

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