
Being Successful

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Being a success in life is great because you may have alot of money, people will respect you, and Your life in general will be great but, its not all that easy. There are many challenges that come with being successful, and there is a long hard path to go down if you do want to be successful. Being successful is not something given to you, it is something that is earned. So, what makes a person successful? The first step to becoming successful is determination. You have to try and believe you can do whatever you want to do like making the NBA, Being a world wide known chef, or anything like that in general that you want to accomplish. You have to try hard, work hard, and think hard. The next step, is to figure out how you are going to …show more content…

When becoming a success, there are many desicions you will have to make that affect your life and maybe other peoples' lives too. You may have to leave things behind that had meaning to your life. For example, you may be accepted into the NBA but it's in another state and you don't want to leave your family behind. There will be many challenges that you will have to over come in order to accomplish what you need to accomplish. Happy, sad, angry, tragic and other emotional events will happen in your life no matter weither you're a success or not but, you can't let it get in the way of your dreams. So what are the benefits of being a success? Well one thing that could be good is that you will have money and because of that, people may respect more than they did before you had money. If there are things that you want or need, you have the money to buy it. You can use the money to help family members or friends that are in need. There are also some non benefits that came come with being successful. For example, you don't want some friends to be friends with you only because they want yoour succcess or money. You also have to watch out not to be selfish and greedy when it comes to money. Make sure all that money and success doesn't turn you into wanting

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