
Being Responsible For Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I am not sure if my past emails were unclear or not. At home, we are teaching Ben the importance of being responsible. We feel that this is a key skill to learn to succeed not only in school but life itself. The way that we are teaching our child is by setting expectation and tasks that an 11 year can easily complete. His current task includes: making sure that his homework is done and packed in his bag before he goes to sleep. We had him removed from the patrol program because of the issue of him not getting his homework to or from school.

Receiving a phone call at 9:20 am asking either myself or Ben's father to bring his homework that was left at home to school is unacceptable for us and going against what is being responsible. Unfortneytly, we are unable to leave our jobs because our child was not responsible enough to put and keep his homework in his bag. We will not bring in any forgotten homework assignments to school; Ben is aware of that decision. …show more content…

The answer is yes, we do care. We check his homework and go over any questions he has on his homework almost every night. We, also, remind him to pack it neatly in his bag at least 3 times if it is left out.

Now my question to you, do care to teach kids about the importance of being responsible or the parent's who are responsible for all of their work? If the parents are, I can easily complete all of his homework assignments and school assignments. During the parent teach conference it was mentioned that it doesn't matter their quality of the work; now I can assume that being responsible for their work isn't required.

Please let me know if we need to discuss this matter further. But this email is very clear that we want our child to responsible for his

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