The personality trait I chose was independent. I chose this because I believe in finding a way to get things that I need or want on my own rather than having to wait for somebody else having to do things on there time then feeling like I owe them for what they gave me plus more. The ability to be independent is essential to life and is something that not everyone has. Learning to support yourself is fundamental for any success you ever want to achieve. You need to be independent in order to survive in the world nothing in this word is ever handed to easily there is always obstacles that you have to overcome to get what you need . The environmental influence this had on me was growing up the youngest out of five with a strong independent mother seeing her do all she could for our family, who made sure that she did all that she could for us on her own. …show more content…
It will feel better when you do things own your own knowing that you have complete control over the decisions you made so you know that you are completely satisfied with the outcome that you get rather then the decisions being made for you having to fix what ever mistake they made of making yourself like the decisions they made knowing that it isn't the same decision that you would have
When I look at my mom I see a person that is very independent. After learning about my moms past it is evedent that independecy was a reoccuring thing throught her life. She has always worked hard for the things she wanted or even needed. And did not depend on others to get those things. If she found that she needed something she would stop and figure out how she was going to get it and what she needed to do for that to happen. This could be with almost anything such as, school, work, clothes, etc.
Being an independent person can help to be successful in life. It can lead to survival, being the bravest person of the group, And helping others survive. In the novels Night by”Elie Wiesel” and Sold by ”Patricia McCormick” The characters in both novels have something to do with being independent. Eli and his father stuck together and tried to fight their way out of the concentration camp. Lakshmi went to the Happiness House and made a few friends that told her tips about how she can make it through the house but she didn’t follow them, She did what she thought she could. By examining the novels Night and Sold we can see that being an independent person is the key to survival which is important because even if a person is in a difficult
both independence and collaboration have there highs and there lows. But when it comes down to the real world, independece is more important . When it comes down to it you are the one that determines what is best for you. the way i see it, no one is going to be by your side holding your hand teaching you what to do and what not to do threw out your
We all want the safely for others like how polices man are supposed to protect people, but what happens when that peace is broken between cops and citizens. Like one family walking down the street and one day stopped by police and forced to stay on the and if you run they they will use police brutality on you. Well here is a story about something like that there was a boy and his brother going to a soccer event in france, as they were walking they were stopped by france's police because his brother Bagui was wanted for extortion case. When both of them ran both of them were being hunted but the police but they found adama first and three officers beat adama to death literally to death after the officer stopped they checked his pulse to see if he was still breathing and he was not but at the end of the day his brother was found
I am a person who is independent. I don’t rely on anyone but myself to achieve my goals. I let my own motivation push me to where I want to be in life. I love to be active in any way I can. For example, I was a three-sport athlete throughout high school. Most of my time is spend either mountain biking, hiking or playing sports. Another characteristic of myself would have to be awkward. This comes from the way I perceive life, lacking the social
The five traits that I picked out of my list were friendly, curious, enthusiastic, versatile, and imaginative. Out of all the options the list, I picked these because they fit me the most. I picked friendly because I feel like I am a friendly person and I think that it is really important to treat people how you would want to be treated. The next one I picked was curious because I am a very curious person and I always wonder “What could be”. Enthusiastic is a big one for me because I play baseball and it is a very important trait to have while playing the sport. Versatile is also another big one for baseball because being versatile can really help you in the sport. If you are able to play more than one position, that is a good thing. The last trait I chose was imaginative because I really like to think about things that could make the world better. I really believe that anything is
Throughout my whole life, my personality has been what sets me apart from other people. Giving me the individuality I need while still
Everybody has their own things that they like. It is also true that everybody has their own opinion. One of my favorite things to do is be outside. It is always a good time when you are outside and it is easy to be yourself. You don't have people hovering over you just waiting for you to slip up of do something they don't like. One of the many things I love about being outside is seeing animals in their natural habitat. It gives you a sense of peace. It makes you feel fresh and then you take a deep breath in and smell the clean, serene air and it makes it all worth it. It is almost like a safe haven for me. That is another thing I like about being outside, hunting. I know to some people hunting sounds cruel and gross but chances are the animal
Independence gives someone a feeling of control over their life, People feel more comfortable, safe and reassured when they can do things for themselves and this also helps to uphold their self esteem and well being Individuals can benefit from being as independent as possible in the tasks of daily living as it depicts that people having the same level of choice, control and freedom in their daily lives as any other person.
When I witnessed the the murder, I knew that I had made the right decision for the movie to watch. Others would have chosen the the comedy, but being me, I chose the the horror movie. I made a decision that that makes me unique. I should always stand up for my decision because it is those decisions that that make me stand alone in a crowd.
The conception of autonomy is a characteristic that many of us seek through the course of our lives. The definition of autonomy is the need to be imposed on by others (Communication M@tters 2 edition). Independence is an important aspect that I seek to have in my life. In the environment that I grew up it in, it was and still can be at times more or less challenging to be an autonomous person. Early in my life, I became disconnect with who I am and at times. I became this way due way due the toxic environments that I was exposed as a young child of verbal and physical abuse, an unstable living arrangements, chronic disabilities, and etc. Although the experience of disconnect in my case was a chose; so that I could survive in each plot twist
Since I have been on my path to self independence from quite a young age, I have focused a lot in having a healthy mind in the aspect of learning about nutritional factors and being physically active. Since High School when I was assigned to fitness class I understood that it was important for me to be physically active, it made me feel better, more confident and exercising produced enough chemical in my body to keep it in balance. So I went on with that idea and a couple years after high school and not being able to attend College, I took a long distance program on Nutrion and Fitness, all while working at a natural foods grocery store. I was never a jock, physically neither genetically gifted but I set goals towards being a Personal trainer. After a couple more years and a few other unrelated jobs, with
The three character traits that best define me would probably be hardworking, honest, and even-tempered. I am hardworking because of my strong work ethic and my constant push for good grades and a healthy lifestyle. I am honest because in that I tell the truth most of the time, I, of course, am human and mess up sometimes but work hard to fix these mistakes. I am even-tempered because I am not quick to anger and remain calm in most stressful situations including late night homework.
have self- reliance to become independently able to make a better life for themselves and their
There are several keys factor about my personality that shapes the person I am today. When I was a little girl I use to wonder what type of personality I have the type of personality quality I have are ambition, strength, free