
Being A Dental Hygienist Is Not The Career

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Being a dental hygienist was not the career I grew up believing I would pursue. At a young age, up to my Junior year in high school, I had my goals set on being a veterinarian. Going into high school I widened that plan into any job dealing with animal science. However, taking classes like zoology, botany, equine science, veterinary technology and advanced animal science, made me realize that I would not have as much direct contact or personal connections with the animals as I had hoped. However I found that being a dental hygienist gives me the opportunity to have that direct contact and personal connections with my patients. Being a dental hygienist will allow me to be more hands on with improving an individual’s health and appearance. It also allows me to work one on one with people directly, while helping them with their personal health needs. Each patient comes to a dental hygienist for various reasons, whether it’s to improve their appearance for a job interview, special occasion, or simply to improve their oral health. However there are more factors that are needed in the dental field other than the skill and work ethic. Personality traits play a major role when being a dental hygienist because it’s a career that deals with people on a more personal level. Working in an environment where I would be with a patient for an hour or more would require me to be observant, a good listener, tolerate, and caring. Being observant is an important trait because a patient 's

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