Being a dental hygienist was not the career I grew up believing I would pursue. At a young age, up to my Junior year in high school, I had my goals set on being a veterinarian. Going into high school I widened that plan into any job dealing with animal science. However, taking classes like zoology, botany, equine science, veterinary technology and advanced animal science, made me realize that I would not have as much direct contact or personal connections with the animals as I had hoped. However I found that being a dental hygienist gives me the opportunity to have that direct contact and personal connections with my patients. Being a dental hygienist will allow me to be more hands on with improving an individual’s health and appearance. It also allows me to work one on one with people directly, while helping them with their personal health needs. Each patient comes to a dental hygienist for various reasons, whether it’s to improve their appearance for a job interview, special occasion, or simply to improve their oral health. However there are more factors that are needed in the dental field other than the skill and work ethic. Personality traits play a major role when being a dental hygienist because it’s a career that deals with people on a more personal level. Working in an environment where I would be with a patient for an hour or more would require me to be observant, a good listener, tolerate, and caring. Being observant is an important trait because a patient 's
Dentists, dental hygienists, orthodontists, and endodontists perform different job duties. For instance, a dental hygienist supports a dentist by administering preventive dental hygiene care, tracking dental conditions, and performing screening procedures such as health history reviews, blood pressure checks, taking x-rays, and making impressions of teeth. In addition, the dental hygienist informs the dentist of any potential problems they have detected and assists during procedures.
After shadowing Dental Hygienist I have learned a lot about what is expected in the profession. Some traits that I found are very important to posses are, being able to properly communicate with your patients, be very detailed oriented, and have a positive and patient personality.
According to Jada A. Grave on, the main idea about this subject is the understood tasks of a general dental hygienist. Dental hygienist focus mainly on the preventive care of dental hygiene rather than the damage already caused. They also educate and inform the patients of the best over-the-counter medicines for their pains, and speak to them about flossing and brushing habits to prevent future damages to the teeth and gums. A dental hygienist's main purposes are completing dental prophylaxis, screening oral cancer and radiographic research, and charting the conditions of
I want to be a dental hygienist because you get to help a lot of people with there teeth and you get to teach them how to take care of there teeth. The skills you need for this job is obvious, you have to be able to be good with teeth and you have to be able to talk to people good because you need to tell everyone how to take care of
Growing up, I have always wanted to have a job that has made a great impact on someone's life. I have changed my career plans as I’ve gotten older, but one that has stuck with me in the back of my mind is being a dental hygienist. Which is why I’ve decided to pursue a career as a dental hygienist. I hope to first work as a dental assistant while studying to become a certified dental hygienist. This will help me work in a dentist office and get experience while learning more about the dental field.
Did you know that a dental hygienist could make a slightly large mistake without asking a simple question? Well they can, the most common question is if their patient would like one or more crown placed in there mouth at a time. In order to succeed as a dental hygienist everyone is required to go to either a two or four year college and major in dental hygiene. Many people believe that it is easy to be a dental hygienist because they think that all that is required to do is clean teeth, but its actually quite difficult. Making sure the patients have excellent oral care is very important
At this time in my life, the career chose that I find more interesting is a Dental Hygienist. As a Dental Hygienist, I will have to work hard to succeed in my career. If I don’t go to college I won’t get a good education and I will have the opportunity to choose from a variety of different types of jobs.
Dental hygienists play an important role in the dental care facilities since they apply their knowledge on every case by removing tartar, stains, and plaque from teeth. They are in charge of applying sealants and fluorides to the teeth in order to protect them, they take and develop x-rays which helps them determine the patient 's vocal health and then present all this information through a report for the dentists to see. Once they have documented the patient 's care, they begin a treatment plan for each patient. They also educate their patients about the oral health and techniques they should apply and how to brush and floss the teeth accurately. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016-17, p.2) Dental hygienists apply critical thinking, compassion towards their patients, interpersonal skills, and dexterity while on their jobs and are supposed to be very detail oriented since they work on small parts of the body and need precise use of the tolls. (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2016-17, p.4).
I daily task for dental hygienist is the form activities that require the whole body. It takes handling moving objects correctly. Paperwork and assistant and taking care of others.The good thing about being a dental hygienist that you were helping people with their health taking care of others. Creating a lifestyle in a good environment. Although, there are many good things about this job. There are still a lot of stuff that is complicated. You have to make sure your patient is comfortable and feel safe. You half to know that they rely on you. What I would do to help myself be more comfortable in the situations is Asking the patients how they feel making sure they feel comfortable. I'm trying the best I can't to know what I'm teaching. The annual pay of a dental hygienist is about $73,246 a year. This job is super beneficial it has a high-paying job and has benefits. They require training to be a dental hygienist is a high school diploma, dental hygiene program and you have to pass the state license exam. Being a dental hygienist take A little bit more time it is about the same cost you would pay to go into high school and college. This career isn't very competitive, the reason why I am so attracted to it is that it is something fun and it is a great thing to learn
A career in healthcare has always been an interest of mine. Making a difference is someone?s health was a very important aspect of my career choice. Dental Hygiene has been top of the list since I was a younger child. I was one of those children who loved going to the dentist. I was always amazed by what was going on in the dentist office whether it be the dentist, dental hygienist, or dental assistant. Becoming a young adult and noticing the appearance of others, the smile was and still is the first thing I notice on another individual. Everyone does not have the beautiful smile that society expects; so being the one to improve that and make a difference I feel is an awesome career choice.
Dental hygienist focuses on oral health. They clean the patient’s teeth, tell them how they can improve their oral health, and tell the patient about any oral disease that they have or can possibly happen from poor oral hygiene. To become a Dental Hygienist you have to graduate from an accredited dental hygiene program and have a license in the state they have practiced. It takes 2-6 years to become a Dental Hygienist, they make an average salary of $55.307 annually. The dental hygienist work in many places such as: private dental practice, community health centers, hospitals, nursing homes, prisons, practice clinics, schools and state/federal government services.
Dental hygienist have many roles and responsibilities when it comes to patient care. Not only do hygienist clean teeth, they educate, perform new patient exams, take x-rays, and diagnose oral health issues. Prior to beginning a dental cleaning the hygienist may take any x-rays that are needed and asks/addresses any complaints the patient may have. Some hygienists will take their patients’ blood pressure prior to beginning treatment. They also ask the patient if they have had any changes in their health and if so, it is documented in the patients file. If the hygienist are seeing a new patient they are additionally required to create a tooth chart, whether on paper or on a computer software to document all of the patients past dental work such as any
Ever wonder why your dentist doesn’t actually clean your teeth? It’s cause that’s the job of the dental hygienist. They are specialist at keeping your teeth and gums healthy and clean. My goal of becoming a dental hygienist will soon come to pass. All I need is dedication, motivation, ambition, and understanding. This latter element becomes very important when discussing this career field. The most basic elements that one must understand when considering becoming a dental hygienist are threefold; first, I must possess the education requirements that are necessary for admittance to this field. Second, I will discuss the nature of the work,
When shadowing current dental hygienists I was able to grasp the flexibility that comes along with earning a BS degree. By attaining a Bachelors of Science, I
A career in Dentistry is my main goal in life. I want to pursue a career in Dentistry for many reasons. Being a Dentist, you get to aid people and make them feel better about themselves. I have the personal qualities to be a Dentist and know that I would be great at the job. I would look forward to going to work every day. Dentistry contains many tools and oral practices that I am not familiar with. It would be awesome to get to be familiar with the lifestyle of a Dentist. Someday, I might even be able to live their lifestyle. Focusing in school is the main priority for all jobs. Dentistry also involves a diverse (longer) college route than most. This means that the academic requirements to be a Dentist are quite time consuming, but the