
Beijing Eaps Consulting Inc.

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Beijing EAPs Consulting Inc. (BEC) is a rapidly growing consulting company whose number of employees has increased from six to 16 in just one year. BEC has adopted a new project management system, using project managers to coordinate several employees from various departments. Due to the heavy workload, most employees must work on multiple projects. Collaboration between projects and department managers is not very smooth. The chief executive officer must decide how he can improve the collaboration efforts across the company 's different departments. This particular project plan, like other project plans, has both strengths and weaknesses which the plan should put into action in order to ensure that it is completed on time, safeguarded and insured.
Team Behavior Classification
The company needs to employ specific team behaviors in order to balance the management and the expansion of the company. The team behaviors should include adapting a project management system, which helps the managers to coordinate different departments within the company. In this way the company will be able to contain and handle the expansion. Similarly, the employees should be assigned more than one project in order to finish, reduce and clear the existing work load. In order to ensure that the project runs smoothly, the department and project managers should collaborate management between different projects to ensure smooth running of the same. This simply means that the executive manager

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