
Behavior Intervention Plan Summary

Decent Essays

Educational teams should develop a detailed plan for supporting students during a behavioral crisis. Districts should ensure that every implementer is aware of the policies and guidelines associated with the crisis procedures. They need to be informed of their school’s district’s operational definition of crisis. Implementers need to be trained to identify a crisis and request support if needed. The district needs train implementers in district approved crisis procedures. The district also needs to ensure that parents or guardians are informed of the crisis procedures (Simonsen et al., 2014.) Ryan et al., conducted a study to analyzed the effects of staff training in crisis intervention and de-escalation techniques on the implementation of seclusion and restraint procedures. …show more content…

The behavior intervention plan should consist of the following: operational definition of the targeted behaviors for reduction, precursor behaviors, functional assessment summary, replacement behaviors/strategies, strategies to produce/reduce behaviors, monitoring/evaluation, and crisis plan if warranted. Crisis plans are warranted when the students exhibits prevent physical harm to self or others and when intervention strategies breakdown. Seclusion and restraint procedures should be included in the crisis plan. Behavior interventions implemented in applied settings may be at a high risk for treatment inaccuracies. Clearly stated interventions steps in a treatment protocol assist with the implantation and assessment of the intervention. Providing initial training for the implementers at the onset of the behavior intervention plan to a set criterion rather than training for a set duration. Training should be conducted as an ongoing event due to aspects such as therapist drift or failure to implement the treatment as outlined (McIntyre et al.,

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