
Befor: A Brief Story Of Phedre's Narrative Fiction

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A farmer’s daughter from a small village by the Summer Sea, her family did not dress in silks but neither did they starve. Before her and her sister, River, were born their mother had a hard time conceiving a child. One day she had begged an elder woman who was rumored to be a witch to give her anything that would help her have any child but above all, a son. The crone had warned her that magic had a mind of its own and seldom worked the way it was intended. The words were quickly forgotten as she grew heavy with a child. Months later, under the last full moon of the year during the darkest month of winter a fair haired daughter was born with sharp green eyes and a name that meant 'bright' in a language that had long been dead. Phedre. Her parents had been content for a time in having at least one child even if it was a girl but several years later, without the aid of magic, Phedre soon had a sister. Born in the spring with brown hair and hazel eyes, she was named River. …show more content…

A childless shepherd had taken them in for a few weeks before a woman robed in the deepest blue came to tell the blonde girl who had for years hidden the fact that she could see what others could not that she was destined for better things. Phedre refused the woman and told her she would go nowhere without River. Having gotten her wish, they both were taken to the mist shrouded isle of Avalon and remained there for years, learning the old forgotten ways of magic. War had come and so did a vision. Fearing her sister would be in mortal danger if she left the sanctuary, Phedre fled instead thinking that if anyone could change fate, she could. She had thrown away her title and betrayed everything that had made her a priestess over a dream of churned earth and

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