
Beer Store Report

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Group Project Phase FOur
The Beer Store

Submitted By: Brandon Borrelli
Submitted On: Jan 1st, 2012

Table of Contents THE BEER STORE CORPORATE OVERVIEW 1 The Beer Store History and Corporate Structure: 1 Industry and Regulations: 1 Company Mission and Values: 1 RETAIL STORE OVERVIEW 1 How the Retail Stores Function: 1 How 3260 is Operated: 1 Hiring and Work Culture: 1 Training: 1 Safety procedures: 1 Tasks of all Employees: 1 Management Specific Tasks: 1 Compensation and Benefits: 1 Evaluation and Incentives for Employees and Managers: 8 Exhibit 1 The Beer Store organization chart 1 Exhibit 2 Beverage Retail Outlets 1 Exhibit 3 Flow of Goods 1 …show more content…

The current system of the LCBO, the Beer Store and the off-site winery stores perform nearly identical functions in providing alcoholic beverages and products to consumers. In fact, their retail stores are sometimes located across the street from one another. But limited competition and separate business objectives prevent these companies from capitalizing on each other’s profits and market shares.
The LCBO and the Beer Store also act as wholesalers to each other and to agency stores, licensed establishments and duty-free stores, depending on the type of product(Exhibit 3 and 4). Unlike the wholesale of domestic wines, spirits and foreign imports, the domestic beer manufactures deliver their products to the Beer Store wholesale system. It has seven regional depots and ships the products with its own truck fleet (291 distribution fleet vehicles) to the Beer Store stores, LCBO retail store, licensee depots and agency stores across the province. However, the domestic beer manufacturers could deliver their products directly to the LCBO retail store, licensee depots and duty free stores.
Company Mission and Values:
The Beer Store’s mission statement and statement of values are shown in (Exhibit 12) .As part of the Beer Store’s social responsibility with respect to the sale of alcohol the “We ID 25” program was adapted. The “We ID 25” program has

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