Staring into each other’s eyes as an opening activity was noticeably an interesting and unfamiliar experience for many in the room. Even when just explaining the activity created some reactions of confusion and hesitation. Like, “are we really going to do this?”. When some of the inside students had to pair up with each other, one could sense even more hesitation. Many of the Inside students expressed that they felt vulnerable and in a sense violated, like something was taken from them. I think this shows how such a system effects emotional and social well-being along with relationships. During the activity, I was partnered with Damen and I noticed that his mouth was shaking. Now, I can’t say what was making his mouth shake, could have been
The painting depicts the murder of Jean-Paul Marat that occurred while he was in his bathtub. When I initially looked at this painting, I noticed the dying body and the letter in his hand. At first when I looked at this painting, I thought the letter in Marat's hand was a suicide note. It just seemed odd to me that he was holding a letter in his hand if it had not been a suicide. However, the letter in Marat's hand was sent from his murderer Charlotte Corday-in fact you can see her name written on the paper if you look closely enough, but she is not painted in this piece which I also found interesting.
Most people go about their business, especially in a classroom. Some students have their faces buried in paperwork, some have their headphones on, some dozing off, or chatting with a friend. Most times it’s just a quiet room with blank stares waiting for the teacher to arrive. Usually when people’s eyes meet, especially
My observations are being done in three different rooms. I observed many different materials used for different age groups. However, the environments were all pretty much the same. Each room had many toys nowhere in a certain place like center. The toys were kind of just where ever they were last cleaned up at. I actually didn’t observe centers at all. Just one reading center in the Infant 2 room where they children are between ten months and sixteen months. The environments were very plain. Noting stood out for the children to be excited to go there every morning. Each classroom has giant windows and for the most part good walking space. Just not the Infant 1 room where there are just too many cribs. There was art work displayed on all the
"Cognitive brain functions constitute the ability to work with information in a meaningful way, apply information that has already been gained, perform preferential changes, and the ability for someone to change opinions about that information" (Cognitive Brain Function, 2016). Psychology teaches the theory that cognitive brain function are formed from human memories and affect how much information is taken in by the human being. Cognitive functionality has also been associated with the function related intelligence, mind, and ability to learn. This functionality of the brain sets the limits for a human to understand, comprehend, and apply their own thoughts to an idea to absorb it into their memory storage. By being able to perform these functions, a person is able to plan and organize their thoughts accordingly.
The outcome of interest in this study is the passage of the Water Rule under the Obama administration. This is the dependent variable as it defines the parameters for the Clean Water Act. These parameters include navigable waters used for commerce, and its tributaries that pass Justice Kennedy’s significant nexus test. The adoption of this definition is proof that a change in policy occurred that gave clear parameters to federal jurisdiction of which waters are subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act.
The quick, impressive economic growth that began in the United States in the 1920’s quickly changed into the longest economic decline in the history of the world by the 1930’s. As the culture adjusted to the financial reductions, the literature during that time also altered. The overarching themes and tones that writers used in their published works dramatically changed. During the 1920’s, commonly referred to as the Jazz Age, innovation and technology production was at an all-time high. Writers reflected the atmosphere of the 1920’s by portraying the hopeful attitude. However, the new advancements could no longer be afforded when the 1930’s began. Instead, people struggled to pay for investments and purchases from the previous
The afternoon of March 20, 2016 at 1 pm I sat in the classroom 303 of Brewster B Wing awaiting Dr. Powers to begin her instruction on what would be happening in the Community Lab. We viewed a video that reiterated information that was addressed in the interviewer-training manual, Dr. Powers answered any questions that we had, and then we proceeded to the research lab.
Nestled among a group of beautiful homes in Lake Murray Village is a small simple white metal building trimmed in fire truck red. This humble little building is home to the Lake Murray Village Fire Department. The scenery surrounding the station is as humble as the building itself, only a few trees and the occasional roaming longhorn in the pasture behind the station. A new early warning systems for tornadoes lies perched on the northwest corner of the building and a silver flag pole with an American and Oklahoma flag stands anchored to the ground to the East. On the front side of the building hangs the patch of our fire department, an American flag background with Tuckers Tower and our name to the foreground. But to the members of our department,
The third floor was quite noticeably the dirtiest area I situated myself in during the entirety spent observing. Crumbs were scattered across the tables, many people were having to wipe them off (including me). The walls were coated in writing, and at one point I thought I saw a dead cockroach. These observations lead me to believe, the higher the level, the less custodians care about the cleanliness. However, it remarkably had the least amount of people consuming food out of all the floors observed. Only one boy was seen eating, and could be heard quietly inquiring to his friend, “Do you want some?” I came to the realization, the higher the floor, the less dining, because it is not considered proper etiquette. Allegedly, the student body deems
We started by observing what happened when one of us went up to a stranger and sat abnormally close to them while they were studying at the library. We did this numerous times and with different genders of people to obtain different types of responses. The group and I went even further as to go up and hug random people. Needless to say that they were surprised and were left confused and uncomfortable. We did all of this while videotaping them so we could document the reactions of each.
On Friday, August 15, 2016 at approximately 1010 hours, I responded to Econo Lodge, 1350 Dogwood Drive in reference to a physical altercation. The complainant/victim Kaiesha Winston stated she beaten up and her belonging were taken in room 108.
The novel “A Room with a View” is a love story about a girl named Lucy, who meets a young George Emerson and Cecil Vyes in Florence Italy. As the story progresses, Lucy and Cecil begin to have feelings for each other. Cecil asks Lucy to marry her two times but in the third agrees to marry Cecil in a small town in England. Things begin to get complicated when the Emersons come back to England and Lucy begins to have feelings for George Emerson. Lucy calls off her marriage with Cecil after George talked Lucy out of marrying Cecil. Lucy ends up getting very frustrated and sad with the fact that everybody is mad and disappointed in her. She decided to leave and go on the Greece trip with Miss Alan’s. By the end of the book in chapter 20 she ends
On sunday august, 31 st 2015 at or about 2256 hours, i was dispatched to 2906 oakwood boulevard (sweet tomatoes Restaurant), Hollywood Florida in reference to a Burglary to a conveyance. Upon further investigation it was found to be a marchman act.
The first three mornings of the week, my roommate asked me to do a few different things. The first day the task was pretty simple. We are both Math majors, and he asked if he could have my notes for the day because he would be going to Walter Reed for a follow up on his surgery. The second day, he asked me to take his watch because he is not able to stand for prolonged periods of time, and the third day he did not request anything. The tasks that he asked of me were very easy, and I did not have a problem doing them for him. This is partly because he did the same for me last year when I had my knee surgery, but I know he would do anything I asked him to do regardless of what it was. From this, I learned the importance of having a good roommate. I think it is important to have someone that you can live with that you are able to be relaxed with after a stressful day (it also helps having a roommate of the same major so you can share notes). I did not find it hard putting my roommate’s need above my own.
Walking, with my company, up to the EFY orientation. In two lines, boys in one and the girls in the other. While my women’s counselor, Jennifer, walked in front, and the men’s counselor, Adam (a.k.a. Spud), walked in back. In front of the line, I stood by a boy named Kaden. While everyone talked behind us, we were the only ones silent. “So, why don’t you introduce yourselves,” said Jennifer, looking back at us. That was all it took to get the conversation going. All the sudden we were talking about everything and anything. Even Jennifer hopped into the conversation after a bit. We talked about where we were from, what we like, past travels, school, and more.