Introduction Nursing is not just a profession but a calling. Although nursing school is demanding and filled with highs and lows, it is well worth the effort, time, and money spent to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree that prepares you to take your NCLEX exam and become a liscensed Registered Nurse. Those willing to put in the work, achieve more than just a degree, but most are also fulfilling a life long dream, as was the case in my situation. I first started my journey back in 2003 and while my education had to be put on hold due to an unexpected growth in family size and military relocations, I knew I would never stop until I accomplished my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse. I have always had a faciniation with the inner workings of the human body, even more so a passion to care for people while in their most vulnerable state. I strive for excellence and will make it my mission to make a positive difference with every patient I encounter. While I fully understand that the nursing profession is about providing patient care, I often do not look at people merely as patients, but as people struggling with difficult circumstances and relying on me to help figure out what is wrong and aid them in the healing process. I have also always known what I have wanted to be. While it has taken me some time to get …show more content…
One paper and presentation pertained to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. The second paper and presentation were written detailing the background, history, ethical principles, and our ethical platform pertaining to the Death with Dignity Act now lawful in several states. Ultimately, it was determined that while there are multiple ethical principles to consider, it is our responsibility as nurses to listen to our patients, act as their advocate by support their decisions, and providing
A Registered Nurse is a person who enjoys helping other people. They practically have the responsibility for many peoples lives. What’s interesting about a Registered Nurse is that they get to learn about all the parts of the human body. A Registered Nurse works in the medical field and needs to be ready with anything that comes their way. There could be a sudden death, some kind of medical issue that pops up, and even a patient just falls over and hurt themselves. As a Registered Nurse they need to be able to deal with blood, snot, vomit etc. The main thing a Registered Nurse has to be good at is being able, and wanting to help people in need.
In some point in time, during a person’s life they run into the question what do I want to be? They must find a career that they will enjoy or the time that they have spent in class and studying will be in vain. While doing research on the Georgia Career Information Center and from the constant idea throughout my life I have decided that I want to become a registered nurse. The type of work environment, the salary that the job provides and flexibility with work hours are all things that have drawn me to this occupation. I want to specialize in Neonatal. I have always enjoyed caring for people and making a difference to someone. When you become a nurse these are just some of the things that you are able to accomplish. Becoming a registered
KaDo Registered Nurses save lives? Yes. A Registered Nurse does a lot for their patients. A Registered Nurse maycan also be in the Navy. The first aspects of nursing was recorded in 300 A.D. in the Roman Empire.
Careers aren’t about making money; iIt’s about doing something that you love and wanting to be at work everyday- that’s why I want to be a Registered Nurse or a Veterinarian because I love helping people and/or animals. Helping people and animals everyday would be something different and fun at the same time; I would be able to get the chance to save people, take care of people, and even help animals that are wounded or sick. Some of the things i’m going to be talking about with both careers are; Job Outlooks, Skills Necessary, Schooling, Salary, and the Work Environment that these jobs have. A registered nurse does a lot of different things to help people out and take the best care of them. They record medical histories and symptoms, observe
Becoming a Registered Nurse Specializing in Pediatrics Most people don’t get to touch lives like nurses do. Most people don’t get to save lives like nurses do. Most people don’t give up their personal lives to better someone else’s like nurses do. I am currently a Junior in High School and it is about time for me to start planning my life and finding what I am meant to do for the rest of my life.
In today’s fast paced world one may not realize the importance of their nurses when an appointment is made at a clinic, or visiting the hospital for a medical procedure. Registered Nurses, along with other medical staff, are responsible for keeping you healthy and alive in some circumstances. A Registered Nurse has a great deal of responsibilities but vary based on which career path chosen. Registered Nurses educate patients about their health condition and medications they need to take. Registered nurses consult doctors and other health care officials during their time on duty.
I come from a very big family and besides my parents and brothers, I used to live with my grandparents, uncles, and cousins too. In my family, you can find farmers, engineers, lawyers, chefs and business owners but there is no one in the medical field. I am studying to become a Registered Nurse (RN), when I finish I’ll be the first one in my family in this area. Studying nursing was not an easy decision to make since no one in my house is in the health field. I believe that my interest in this area started when I helped my mom taking care of my grandfather who died of prostate cancer.
As of 2008, there were about 753,600 Licensed Practical Nurses and 2,618,700 Registered Nurses in the United States (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). In the year 2018, the LPN employment percentage is expected to rise 21% while the RN rate should be approximately 22% (U.S. Department of Labor, 2010-11). This may not seem that high, but it is, when one considers that the expected employment rate for a Dentist is only expected to be 16% (U.S Department of Labor, 2010-11). Nursing is a highly respected and sought after career because every person that enters this profession is able to make a difference and is needed by the general population for his/her skills and contributions to the medical field. When a person is contemplating entering
The largest number of healthcare workers in the country are registered nurses. Nursing provides more direct patient care than any other licensed or professional in the healthcare field. The aging population and the increase of people with chronic diseases requiring more health care is driving the need for additional nurses. People are living longer and there are more people with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and hypertension. Many states across the country are experiencing nursing shortages.
they also receive on the job training as education through trial and error while working
An associate's degree in nursing (ADN) includes courses in anatomy, nursing, nutrition, chemistry, microbiology among others. You'll also be required to take general liberal arts classes. Earning an ADN is the most popular option for registered nurses and opens the door to entry-level staff nurse positions which will provide you with hands-on experience in the medical field.
Pursuing a nursing degree can be challenging as well as a rewarding experience for many reasons. A registered nurse, more commonly known as an RN, must go through extensive training. Training that not only involves medical care, but mental training as well. Nursing takes a lot of care, patience, education, stamina, and mental stability. In order to accomplish this career successfully, a nurse needs to be sincere and enthusiastic. You have to meet certain, special requirements not just educationally, but additionally a nurse needs integrity.
I have had to make many decisions in my life and now is the biggest and most important decision. That biggest decision is what I want to do for my future career. As of right now my goal is to be registered nurse. In order to achieve that goal there are steps I have to take. Although some of those steps might be challenging.
After going through a lot of trial and error in my career, I have decided that I want to pursue being a Registered Nurse. Many things have led me to this career choice, including personal and financial gain. I have tried many other occupations and educational programs and none of them have fulfilled me like I believe nursing will. It has taken me a long time to get to this point and I often joke that I finally know what I want to be when I grow up. I will tell you about my journey and what I hope to gain in my future.
There are many careers one could have that affect the lives of others. One significant career that fits the description perfectly of that is a Registered Nurse. Nurses have been the building blocks to the medical field for centuries continuing to affect patients from admission to release. The different effects that's left every patient is unbelievably life changing. Many people wonder “ How has Nuses changed over the 21st century? ”, but the changes are in plain site all around us continuing to progress with time. For example look at how much expanding Nurses have grown with the help of expanding technologies have. Theres the new medical innovative treatments impacting Nurses over the 21st century as well. Most of all the formation of the