
Becoming A Registered Nurse Essay

Decent Essays

Introduction Nursing is not just a profession but a calling. Although nursing school is demanding and filled with highs and lows, it is well worth the effort, time, and money spent to obtain a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree that prepares you to take your NCLEX exam and become a liscensed Registered Nurse. Those willing to put in the work, achieve more than just a degree, but most are also fulfilling a life long dream, as was the case in my situation. I first started my journey back in 2003 and while my education had to be put on hold due to an unexpected growth in family size and military relocations, I knew I would never stop until I accomplished my goal of becoming a Registered Nurse. I have always had a faciniation with the inner workings of the human body, even more so a passion to care for people while in their most vulnerable state. I strive for excellence and will make it my mission to make a positive difference with every patient I encounter. While I fully understand that the nursing profession is about providing patient care, I often do not look at people merely as patients, but as people struggling with difficult circumstances and relying on me to help figure out what is wrong and aid them in the healing process. I have also always known what I have wanted to be. While it has taken me some time to get …show more content…

One paper and presentation pertained to physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia. The second paper and presentation were written detailing the background, history, ethical principles, and our ethical platform pertaining to the Death with Dignity Act now lawful in several states. Ultimately, it was determined that while there are multiple ethical principles to consider, it is our responsibility as nurses to listen to our patients, act as their advocate by support their decisions, and providing

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