
Becoming A Physical Therapist Essay

Decent Essays

Becoming a Physical Therapist I truly think that physical therapists save people from getting in bigger trouble with a worse injury. Unfortunately that was not my case I ended up spending a lot of my time in therapy. If it were not for the PT I would not be as strong as I am right now. I believe that college is important to become a successful physical therapist.
To become a physical therapist, there are certain job tasks, special skill and talents, as well as a higher education. In this profession there are many special skills I will have to have including speaking fluently, active listening, observational skills, multi-step comprehension, and learning strategies.Also in high school I will have to take anatomy, biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and statistics. In college I will have to get a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, a doctoral degree from an accredited physical therapy program, and a passing licensing exam. With all of that education, I will have to master many different tasks. They include, to test the patient’s strength and progress, tell the patients that they can stop coming, trust the patients if they do their tasks and needs at home like told to. …show more content…

There are four levels I have to pass in order to become successful/ The first level is called Staff PT, I will need a Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, doctoral of physical therapy degree, and a good licensing exam that is completed. The second level is Experienced PT and I will need several years of clinical experience. Level three is a Consultant who provides advice expertly, I will also need more clinical experience for that job. Lastly level four is a Private Clinic Owner, for schooling I will need to take a course in management and in business administration. All four of these levels will make you a physical therapist if you follow them

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