
Becoming A Music Director

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Music Director Stevie Wonder once sang, “Music is a world within itself. With a language we all understand. With an equal opportunity.” This quotes states that even though many languages are spoken all around the world, music provides one language that everyone understands, with equal opportunity. Music allows people to leave the world and experience different forms of languages. Becoming a music teacher allow someone to show and teach music to many students, and the students will see the beauty in music. For any career, working hard is given, especially becoming a high school music director. Many factors come into question once becoming a music teacher, for example the education stages, the talents needed, the earning, and the typical day …show more content…

Becoming a music director can influence many students to find out who they truly are, but beginning the process, starts at the education process that one must complete to succeed. Many of the music teachers seen in today’s society had to go through many stages of education to successfully become a music director. In the first stage of the education process will appear the elementary training. This stage references when one is in middle or high school. During the elementary years, one should be in a musical group, which may include band, orchestra, or any other general music class. A person should be focusing on enhancing their musical abilities and knowing the necessary musical terms. Preparing one’s self for the next stages in the musical education can benefit a person’s way to become a great music director. The next stage in becoming a music director is to proceed to the secondary education level, which includes the college level. Mr. Will, a 30 year music director, responded to the question by saying, “just to obtain my teaching degree it was four years of college but on the other hand to obtain my conducting masters degree, it was another six years because I was teaching at the time. To get my masters …show more content…

Mr. Will said, “The most beneficial item that comes out of being a music director would be, being able to teach the new fifth grade band, This is because you are able to take kids that have never played an instrument in fifth grade, and then in eight years, you are able to hear them preform as very good musicians. It is very rewarding knowing they have accomplished so much from you teaching them.” Will believes that some of the benefits from being a music director do not always come in packages, some of the best benefits come from the feeling of accomplishment. Some of the benefits do come in packages. A few of the benefits that come with being a music director is that every teacher is entitled to insurance for themselves and families (Teacher Salary), and another benefit also include teachers are entitled to sick and paid leave, which includes a paid summer (Teacher Salary). From being paid in the summer, the average medium annual salary is between $59,040-$68,600 (Band). For many teachers salary is based on the education one has, a person with a doctoral degree in music might be in the higher average annual salary than one with a bachelor’s degree, and they might be in the lower average for salary. From all the benefits of becoming a music director, one may look into how a music director spends their day and

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