
Bayou Research Paper

Decent Essays

Bayou Many places make people happy and make them feel relaxed. One place makes me that way. My favorite place to be is on Bayou Bartholomew. I live on Bayou Bartholomew in Sterlington, Louisiana. It used to be part of the “running bayou.” The part that I live on was cut off with levees years ago from the other part for flood control, and it is thirteen miles long. The colors of the bayou water vary. Sometimes the water is clear, and sometimes it is cloudy. It just depends on the time of year. Also, just looking at it, the channel in the middle is very dark compared to the shallow water by the bank. One of my favorite places on the bayou is “The Island.” It is right by my house. It is a large cluster of majestic cypress trees. If I sit quietly enough in the boat and don’t move, I can hear frogs croaking and mosquitoes buzzing. Most of the time a turtle, bass, gar, alligator, and/or beaver will splash. The splashes catch me off guard and scare me sometimes. Right now, there is mill foil inside the island. This is a green grass that fish love, but I hate. It’s tough fishing in it. The bayou is such a beautiful, …show more content…

Other people ski and tube, but I don’t. I have seen what’s in the water! I like the challenge of fishing in the bayou. It contains largemouth bass, small mouth bass, catfish, grass carp, different species of gar, blue gill, bream, and white perch. It’s challenging because, first, I have to decide what I want to fish for. What I am fishing for determines how and where I fish. If I want to fish for bass, which I like to do mostly, I fish down the banks. Bass usually hang out near stumps and trees. If I want to fish for bream, I go to shallow areas near clusters of trees. Catfish are fun to fish for because I can “tight-line” from my house. I set up a pole and cast it into the channel and just wait—right in my back yard. I never run out things to fish for in the

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