
Battle Of Long Island Cause And Effect Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Raechel Triplett
8th grade
November 24, 2015 The Battle of Long Island 1776
The battle was a British win to control New York and isolate New England from the other colonies. The battle of Long Island was fought at Long Island,New York on August 27th, 1776. I will be talking about causes, leaders, effects,events .
Where were some causes that caused the battle of Long Island. On was there was a military conflict between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the thirteen colonies. British General Howe wanted to keep Washingtn tied up. This because Howe wanted to prevent any regrouping and it soon. Another reason the Battle of Long Island because Howe didn’t want Washington to cross the East River again with his troops. There were the causes of the Battle of long Island.
There many important leaders in the Battle of Long Island. George Washington and Sir William Howe were the major leaders. Washington built batteries on Manhattan and Long Island to keep British fleet penetrating past New York. Also, Washington was forced to to conduct a fighting withdrawal to the Delaware River. When Howe started to attack it was the summer of 1776 in New York. It was on July 3rd when Howe landed on Staten Island, but on the next day congress declared independance. …show more content…

Some the effects of the battle of Long Island was the loss of New York was a bad time of the war for General George Washington and Americans cause of independence. Also, the continental army fell and all companies deserted. There were many American colonist who were captured by the British, They captured 1000 American colonist men. The British killed 300 men of the American colonist . They also wounded 800 American colonist men. The British didn’t have that many people wounded, killed, or captured as the American colonist did. They had 31 captured,64 killed. The haad more people wounded then they did killed, but they had 293

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