Scientists Heather Bateman and Mélanie Banville tested three sites (non-urban, urban rehabilitated, and urban) for the abundance and diversity of reptiles. The experiment was well designed for many reasons. First, the scientists who performed the experiment provided a lot of reliable data. For example, the data stated that reptile abundance for non-urban habitats was 42 reptiles, urban rehabilitated habitats was 36 reptiles, and urban habitats was 6 reptiles. Also, the experiment contained many types of species. 7 of the 8 species were lizards and one was a snake (Western Diamond-backed Snake). The same 8 species were tested at each site. The combination of reptiles showed the movement of different species and which species are the most sensitive
Keeping the experiment isolated on the focus of body size is as simple as not changing any other variables concerning the experiment. Therefore, predator number, predator size, habitat type, and any other possible variable in the experiment that is not body size will be kept as consistent and identical throughout the groups and replicable tests as
Procedure: Using distilled water, premeasured containers and objects determine displacement of fluids and density of objects. Use ice and heat measure temperatures in Celsius, Fahrenheit and Kelvin.
C. An unknown, rectangular substance measures 3.6 cm high, 4.21 cm long, and 1.17 cm wide.
Students will carefully observe acts of aggression and prosocial behavior on television, report their observations, and analyze their data to draw conclusions.
Our objective for the Sherlock Holmes Experiment was to illustrate that some chemicals can be identified or differentiated by simple chemical tests, such as solubility, pH, or color tests. In our group we had to test come common powders such as Alka-Seltzer, baking soda, flour, Vitamin C (ascorbic acid), and salt. Other chemicals that were used to do this experiment were vinegar, and Iodine 2 Solution. The equipment used to do this experiment was red litmus paper, and 5 test tubes per group.
Levittown project was taken up in the U.S. after the end of Second World War, with the aim of providing mass housing facilities to people in the wake of increasing urbanization and problems of accommodating large population in limited urban area (Friedman. 1995). The first of Levittown apartments were constructed on Long Island, New York and they symbolized the modern trends of urbanization and housing developments (Clapson. 2003). This paper shall study the impact of Levittown project on trends of further urbanization and analyze the aesthetics of design and development involved in it.
The Mythbusters observed the myth that driving whilst talking on the phone is as dangerous as driving drunk. They formed their hypothesis that driving on the phone is as dangerous as driving drunk. Then, they tested their hypothesis. They created an experiment that would have participants drive a car through a course three times. Each time a participant went through the course, they experience different conditions. The first time, both participants drove through the course normally. This served as the control group for the experiment. The second time, participants were asked questions over the phone while they completed the course, and, the third time, they were drunk when they drove through the course. Throughout the experiment, there were several independent variables in place to ensure that only one variable was being tested.
The specific aims for Experiment 1 was to study the efficiency of phagocytosis analyzing the macrophages’ abilities to engulf Nile Red beads. We also looked at the impacts of effectors on their abilities and also different concentrations of resolvin. For Experiment 2A, we studied the efficiency of efferocytosis by analyzing the macrophages’ abilities to engulf and digest apoptotic cells under various effectors and concentrations. In Experiment 2B, we studied the efficiency of efferocytosis by analyzing the macrophages’ abilities to engulf and digest apoptotic cells under effectors and cytokines. We hypothesized that having an effector (resolvin D-2 and lipoxin) and a pro-resolving cytokine (IL-13) would increase efferocytosis than having either one alone or having neither one.
Since the 20th century, the procedure that took place to prepare the prisoner for medical testing hasn’t changed drastically over the years; especially in prisons in the United States. Holmesburg is a prison in Philadelphia that housed many diverse kinds and forms of pharmaceuticals tested, and the US army forces are one of the many famous sponsors of Holmesburg (Hornblum, 1997). For the procedure to start, the most vital foundation is the consent from the subject. After the subjects sign the consent form, they would be debriefed and interviewed about the experiment. Debriefing about experiments wasn’t common in Holmesburg prison and researchers would just reply vaguely; the samples that were to be tested were also just numbered and sometimes
When analyzing the IR spectrum of Ruthenium complex with DMSO, the prominent peak is presented at 1105.54 cm−1. This peak indicates that S=O bonded in DMSO. For DMSO, the frequency is around 1050 cm−1. From our spectra obtained for DMSO where the S=O peak is at 1017.65 cm−1. Since the bond appears at a higher frequency, this shows that the bond is strengthened by the reaction. This indicates that when the copper metal was combined with DMSO, it bonded with the Sulfur atom. Combining ruthenium with sulfur atom caused it to donate a pi electron as a back donation.
In this episode of Mythbusters, Adam and Jemie were more than willing to test their new myth that the way that we actually board the plane are the most inefficient way to do it. Moreover, it also takes the longest boarding time. Therefore, they planned to test this out using the real size airplane with 173 seats that are an actual normal size plane used in the commercial. This Mythbuster airplane was separated into two sections, first class, and economy class. In order to make the scenario as realistic as possible, the team has invited the four real crews to help sorted the passengers out and but their luggage in the cabins.
The purpose of this lab is to test substances and to determine the physical and chemical properties of substances.
The overall purpose of the lab is to have the students practice designing an experiment, gathering data, and then analyzing that data to form a conclusion using the scientific method. It also served to understand key terms such as hypothesis, dependent variable, and independent variable. The specific objective of this lab is to determine whether certain human body parts experience allometric or isometric growth. Allometric growth defines when certain parts of an organism grow at unequal rates in comparison to its whole, while isometric growth is when all parts of an organism grow at the same rate in comparison to the entire organism. The specific purpose of the lab is to determine whether or not specific human body parts experience allometric or isometric growth by comparing the ratios of height to two specific body parts, in the students’ case the right hand length and head circumference, in students and newborns. The students formulated the tentative answer that if a team of four compared their height to right hand length ratio, as well as, their height to head circumference ratio, to those of a newborn’s, then the students will discover that the right hand and head experience allometric growth in humans.
The hypothesis is if the organisms were exposed to pollution then they will act differently and scared in the habitat. For the experiment the independent variable was the pollution that was added into the habitat,and the dependent variable was the reactions of the organisms from the pollution by adding trash to the environment. For the experiment the things that were controlled were the amount of the water in the habitat. Also how clean the water stayed was controlled as well as how much food the organisms got. These things make a good control group because if they are not controlled then the organism could die. The things we kept the same was the amount of food, the habitat, the amount of frogs, the temperature,
In “Debating Whether Reptiles or Amphibians Should Be House Pets,” Joanna Klein implies research of these animals to show those interested in them as pets what to consider before purchasing. Klein uses research and professionals feedback on their views of the argument. The author shows the pros and cons to adopting a reptile or amphibian in order to help with the decision making of those considering them as a pet. This text appeals to the audience by giving feedback and data to inform them on what they did not already know or what is necessary to know first.