
Bat Vs Big Brown Bat Essay

Satisfactory Essays

All the brown bat are dying because the fungus is infection that the bat have that’s why they are dying out. That’s why the bat’s are dying to fast and in New Jersey were 30,000 bat. The fungus kill all most every bat because in 2008 where 30,000 but then it was only 300 left, the fungus work better in other bats because when they are asleep the fungus make them move around. That the adaptation is that the fungus is better for them because that make them move, many bat’s die because the white nose, but sometimes the fungus is good because they make them move and the small one die because they don’t have the adaptation like the bigger one. The small die because they don’t have the same adaptation like the bigger if the small one had the same adaptation like the bigger one they would not die. …show more content…

That’s why the disease affects them less because they lose less heat, but when they stop they would die. In conclusion, the big brown bats went they hibernate they sleep close together and they lose less heat that’s a adaptation, and the big brown bat are larges. Some bat fight the disease better, and the fungus make them move. The brown bat’s were growing up because with the disease they still reproduced that’s why they are growing

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