
Basketball Creative Writing

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We're in the midst of spring and the weather these past few weeks have been erratic, one day it feels like summer and the following day it’s cold as winter. Still, the days are significantly longer. However the weather is the least of my concerns. Basketball season ended and the team came up short of the ultimate prize. I’ve been working twice as hard ever since then, improving at my craft. As a competitor, I look back and think what I could have done differently in order to help my team and change the outcome. Some things are out of our control. Yet, I believe everything happens for a reason. For now I just train, repetition after repetition until it becomes second nature. I took one step outside and a burst of wind blew across my body; sending …show more content…

It blew my already-messy brown hair into oblivion. A few moments later a headache kicked in. I regret not bringing an extra layer. I always had a bad habit of wearing more layers when it's warm outside and less layers when it's …show more content…

The following morning her dead body was found in the lake. I woke up that morning completely unaware of it. Kelly reported Diana missing the same day after she never made it home and was not answering her phone. Kelly was Diana’s aunt. Diana has lived with Kelly ever since her mother passed away a few years ago. It was a car accident. I remember that day vividly. The sky, crowded with clouds followed by light rain. However, as the day progressed so did the rain, growing stronger. As a kid, I loved being and playing in the rain. I now despise the rain. Diana never knew her father. He abandoned them while Diana’s mother was pregnant with her. Her mother was Diana’s only family. Her world. She lost all of that in one day. I’ve known Kelly all my life. From the point when just started college, up until now. As a matter of fact, she was my first crush. I was a an eight-year old kid infatuated with a 18 year old girl. Before the accident, Kelly would drop by Diana’s place at times. Sometimes she babysat, while Diana’s mother was at work. Thinking back now, Diana resembled Kelly, when she was her age. Both shared long silky brown hair and wide hazel green

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