
Baseball Compared To Other Sports

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The history of baseball is a lot more complicated compared to other sports. There is no (real) definitive answer as to how or who started the game of baseball. However, there are some theories, the most common theory, “references to games resembling baseball in the United States date back to the 18th century. Its most direct ancestors appear to be two English games: rounders (a children’s game brought to New England by the earliest colonists) and cricket,” ( Staff). When the American Revolution occurred there were many different variations of this game that were being played in schools of all levels, from elementary school yards to college campuses. Overall, the basis of the sport did not start in the United States of America, but …show more content…

There have been many players in MLB have used and been caught using PEDs and have faced serious penalty. The biggest case as of recent years was the Alex Rodriguez scandal. After a positive urine test, he continued to deny the use of PEDs but later, like half a year later finally committed to using them and was suspended without pay for a whole season. He is not the only player to use PEDs in the MLB but he is one of the ones to be caught in recent years. It is obvious that using drugs to enhance performance is banned, but there is the ethical debate of why? The main reason people come up with is that “ it is, basically, cheating – which implies a theft of opportunity from other players of the sport. When one player gains benefits – monetary compensation, fan appreciation, seasonal honors, statistical records, etc – by using performance-enhancing drugs, he does so by shouldering a lesser burden than players who do not use drugs,” (Belousek 2014). That being said, a lot of players who have been in the game a while and their skills are starting to decrease feel like they need to keep up with the younger generation of players entering the world of baseball. However, the older players are not getting any younger with their age, or their body’s ability, so their way of keeping up is to use PEDs so that their recovery time is shortened to what it used to be so they can keep up with a 162 game schedule. Another example of this would be Chris Colabello with the Toronto Blue Jays last season. He was suspended 50 games for the use of PEDs but claims that he does not know how they entered his system, but many people believe it was the case of not being able to keep up with the younger generation, especially Tom Valcke, who has been around baseball for over 35 years. During one of iCASE’s practices he made this statement, “He may love the game but if

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