
Baseball Academy Narrative

Decent Essays

During my grade first year in high school I was quite shy and only had friends that I had known from elementary school and through baseball academy. The year was going decent until just after my birthday in the spring, when I started to get random stomach pains. They started off as just an aching pain but slowly with time became more serious and painful, almost as if you were getting stabbed with a knife. As the pains got worse I started missing school in order to try and recover from what I thought at the time was just a stomach flu. After my first couple weeks off school my parents had a suspicion that maybe this was something worse than a stomach flu so they took me to go see a general practitioner. After the GP did some tests, she wasn’t quite sure what was wrong so she referred me to a local Pediatrician. Again, after seeing the pediatrician and having some tests done there was still no diagnosis for what could be causing the pain. The most plausible explanation was that I must have had bacteria in my intestines that isn’t usually supposed to be there, and because …show more content…

My Baseball academy was very supportive and received I many get-well-soon cards that helped gain my confidence and lighten my mood. Also my teachers were very supportive of my recovery, allowing me to do school work at home when I was sick and being flexible on test dates so I could do them when I was healthy again. Having a group of supportive people around taught me that I should not get depressed about being sick. I learned that I must be positive and fight in order to recover. I also learned that your true friends are the ones who help you through the hardest times. Being sick allowed me to see the good in people when all they wanted to do was help. The friends that stayed with me during my sickness are still my closest friends to this day and I have a much greater appreciation for having them as friends

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